GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 5 (Morning Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”COLOSSIANS 2:15″ display=”COLOSSIANS 2:15″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 1:16″ display=”ROMANS 1:16″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 16:25″ display=”ROMANS 16:25″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6:1 ” display=”HEBREWS 6:1 “]

The reason God put the five fold ministry into the body is to enlarge our hearts and nurture our souls. Everyone who is born again has the nature of God but it cannot manifest without some nurturing. The soul is the one that grows and becomes perfect. It is also the one that can be carnal. The soul is first nurtured with milk after one is born again. It is required for such soul to take milk by reading books about faith towards God, repentance from dead works, learning the leading of the spirit and relying totally on the word of God, etc.

Many of us are not doing well with the Word of Righteousness because we are not grounded in the Milk of God’s Word. This deficiency shows in our attitudes and dispositions. There is something milk does to a baby; it makes a baby strong and stable. Milk embodies the elementary principles of Christ; they make you ready for solid food or meat. Milk prepares you to relate with the unseen. Our foundation should be in proper shape before we attempt to move on to perfection. The perfect man is a spiritual man who has fellowshipped with spiritual substances so much that he has been changed.

Milk is good, it gets you started with excitement. For instance, faith towards God is sweet when it is properly administered. It helps us to live right so we can receive from God. It is substance that empowers faith. Proper teaching is inevitable in laying proper foundations for perfection. If you have not yielded to the Sincere Milk of the Word, you cannot succeed with the Word of Righteousness that can really save your soul and bring you to perfection. There is ability in the Gospel to save the soul. To believe the word of God is not in mere utterance, it is to align with the principles of God. Substances must come that you align with when you hear the word of God. When the Gospel is preached it is to be obeyed. The ability to save is in the power of preaching Christ.

Christ is the doctrine for perfection; it is by the doctrine of Christ that we are saved. When we align and agree with the doctrine of Christ, the revelation of Christ comes and our soul is patterned after His life. The en-grafted word is the doctrine of Christ which is able to save the soul. There is ability in the word that is able to save the soul. When Christ is preached, souls are saved. The ability to be established is in the power of the Gospel.

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