GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 5 (Evening Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:1-9″ display=”HEBREWS 5:1-9″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 1:13-19″ display=”HEBREWS 1:13-19″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOHN 3:16″ display=”JOHN 3:16″]; [biblegateway passage=”JUDE 1:7″ display=”JUDE 1:7″]; [biblegateway passage=”REVELATION 20:14″ display=”REVELATION 20:14″]; [biblegateway passage=”REVELATION 11:7-8 ” display=”REVELATION 11:7-8 “]

Perfection is all about the perfecting of Christ in us. Christ could not have become the author of eternal salvation if he had not been perfected. Eternal salvation is not ‘once saved, always saved’; it is to be permanently over and above sin.

Jesus teaches us how to be eternally saved. Everlasting life is not the same as eternal life. Heaven is not eternity though it can be everlasting; the heavens will be rolled away even though it will last for a very long time. To be eternally saved is to get into the realm of God where sin is absolutely impossible. Perfection is a state of no variableness or shadow of turning.

The Kingdom of God is the Salvation of God. All men without God has an expiry date; to perish is to expire. Our perishing was slowed down the day we were born again but that does not preclude the possibility of perishing. We have to get to the end of our salvation in order to escape perishing.

The lake of fire is eternal, it is a fire that is never ending and unquenchable. The degree of its heat is higher than creation. The lake of fire is for expired beings both men and angels. The fire was created for angels who committed an unpardonable sin. They hated God so much that they became sworn enemies to the Almighty and they were thrown down and hell became their natural habitat.

Sin did not start in hell, it started in this present heaven. Hell was made for fallen angels for a short while; death and hell will still be cast into eternal fire; the lake of fire.

Egypt is graveyard: The Egyptian technology is centered around preserving the dead. Sodom and Gomorrah went up in flames. Egypt signifies death, Sodom signifies the lake of fire. Egypt is the first death; Sodom is the second death. Jesus’ death was to preserve us from the second death. The angels that sinned knew God and so they were qualified for the second death. Their remains no forgiveness of sins for them. They committed suicide.

Death is a message which the Devil preached to the angels that went down with him. Going unto perfection is about about going to a place of immunity against the second death. Hell is a bottomless pit but lake of fire is not a pit. God does not want anyone to go to the lake; it is meant for those who are irredeemably lost. The lake of fire emanated from God for He is a consuming fire.

[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:8-14″ display=”HEBREWS 5:8-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 149:4″ display=”PSALM 149:4″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 132:16″ display=”PSALM 132:16″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 12:1-2″ display=”ROMANS 12:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 7:1-2″ display=”HEBREWS 7:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 5:6-11″ display=”MATTHEW 5:6-11″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 5:1″ display=”ROMANS 5:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”I PETER 2:9 ” display=”I PETER 2:9 “]

The programme of Jesus on earth was a perfection course. He learnt obedience through the things he suffered. What Jesus obeyed is what will make us eternally saved.

The apostles’ doctrines were not the teachings of Christ; they were teachings about Christ. They were fundamental teachings to get people ready for apostolic teachings that will get people into perfection. When a meek person has completed his Meekness Course, he will be beautified with salvation.

To enter the kingdom is to lay your hand on the plough. As we enter, we become purified from corruption. It is only the sphere of the kingdom that delivers you from corruption. The will of God is the cleansing reagent against corruption. The will of God is the ingredient of salvation; it is eternal immunity.

To go into perfection is to enter into a sphere into which doing God’s will ushers us. The Good Will of God is in the realm of Children; The Acceptable Will of God is in the realm of Young Men; The Perfect Will of God is in the Realm of the Fathers. The perfect will of God is the will of God to be exactly like God.

Melchizedek is the King of Righteousness and Peace. The Priest of the Most High is a not a mere priest; He is a High Priest. His kingship is a type of kingship in God which cannot be found anywhere other than the tabernacle. A king of peace has no descent in the natural.

The end of righteousness is peace; the end of peace is joy. Inheriting the earth is having dominion over the earth; Righteousness is faith which pleases God. The Most Holy Place is a place of perpetual brightness; there is no darkness there. Melchizedek’s order is in that place where there are Righteousness, Peace and Joy.

We become teachers in the Kingdom after we have entered. We are expected to communicate the Kingdom after we enter it. Strong meat is for those who will chew it to become great. God wants everybody to get to the level of strong meat. It is high time the church ate strong meat.

We have milk, meat and strong meat. Strong meat is the ingredient of eternal salvation. It like chewing the tendons and cartilages of the Spirit.

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