GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 4 (Morning Session) Part 1


[biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 10:17″ display=”ROMANS 10:17″];[biblegateway passage=” GENESIS 17:1-2″ display=” GENESIS 17:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”DEUTERONOMY 18:13 ” display=”DEUTERONOMY 18:13 “]

God is so much in love with us that he has made everything freely available for us to enjoy. He wants us to always be in top shape in spirit, soul and body. There is power in the word of God; anything the word cannot do cannot be done. As we hear the word, we must expect change and we must know that changes are taking place. The word of God is Spirit and life.

Our life pursuit should be to obey and love God. If we can do these two, we are on our way to perfection. Perfection is necessary in attitude and behaviour. More so, we need to be perfect in the state of our hearts. God primarily desires perfection in our heart conditions. Once the heart is perfect, every other thing will align.

Any generation that will come into perfection; any generation that will consummate the plan of God in bringing every man to the full measure of the stature of Christ, our hearts must be upright before God. We must grow up unto Christ, first of all, in our hearts.

God had always desired men to be perfect. Perfection is not an exclusive preserve of the New Testament. It has been the intent of God from the very beginning.

[biblegateway passage=”1 CORINTHIANS 13:9-10″ display=”1 CORINTHIANS 13:9-10″]; [biblegateway passage=”EPHESIANS 1:19-20″ display=”EPHESIANS 1:19-20″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 10:14-20 ” display=”HEBREWS 10:14-20 “]

The essence of the Book of Hebrew is to bring us into perfection. It reveals the institution of a higher order of priesthood that can make us perfect. The Melchidezedek Order of priesthood brings us into perfection in our understanding of God.

We are given the spirit of power which is faith in order to be able to pursue perfection. The power of Christ is in the faith of Christ. The Faith of the Son is the power of the New Testament. If I don’t have the faith of the son in me, I don’t have the power of the son in me.

When God’s power is at work in us, it may not be evident initially. In the long run, amazing results begin to show forth. God uses His word and instructions to restructure our hearts. Anytime you obey God, something happens to your heart. Anytime you disobey God, something undesirable equally happens to your heart.

God has perfected forever those that are sanctified. He does this by putting His laws in our hearts. The putting and the writing of the Laws of God are processes in perfection. We have access into the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus and by a new and living way which has been consecrated for us.

To fulfill God’s laws is to come to the point of perfection. Our hearts are required to be upright if we must fulfill God’s laws. The power house of the soul is the heart. When God comes to check a man out, what He comes to check is the heart.

We can’t claim to be going unto perfection if we do not obey God. The more you obey God, the more you become perfect. Walking in the ways of God is obeying the Law of Faith and Love.

[biblegateway passage=”EZEKIEL 36:26″ display=”EZEKIEL 36:26″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 CORINTHIANS 4:1″ display=”2 CORINTHIANS 4:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 KINGS 11:1-6″ display=”1 KINGS 11:1-6″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 Kings 15:1-5″ display=”1 Kings 15:1-5″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 10:21-22″ display=”HEBREWS 10:21-22″]; [biblegateway passage=”ZECHARIAH 3:4-7 ” display=”ZECHARIAH 3:4-7 “]

God cultivates the right attitudes of perfection into our hearts. These attitudes are power, love, faith and sound mind. God won’t commit His things to a man with a wrong heart.

Rightness of heart cannot be overemphasized. Perfection is measure of the degree of the rightness of one’s heart. We cannot have the right heart without faith. A true heart is a perfect heart. No heart is true if it is not perfect. For a heart to be true, there must be true assurance of faith.

We have to walk in God’s ways and keep His charge. Walking in God’s ways will qualify us to walk in certain places that God will give us. There are places we can only access after walking in His ways; they are places of maturity. Our hearts must keep changing via obedience to God’s instructions.

Christ is our inheritance. We have access to places in Him if we are able to walk in His ways. Christ is not free for all, it is for the walkers in His ways. Our hearts should get more and more responsive to God as the days go by. A heart that is perfect before God is contrite and meek. It can easily be led; it can be shown the way without arguments.

You cannot generate a perfect work without a perfect heart. The kind of heart you had last year, must be different from the one of this year. Your heart must be easily teachable. Our hearts should be able to quake before the Lord, they must be able to tremble before the Lord. The Lord is working a perfect heart in us. We must not shy away from obeying Him.

When we disobey God continually, our hearts get seared. As we become responsive to God’s love, our hearts become more and more pliable and workable unto the end of perfection.


Pastor Thompson Ehima:

I can see fresh fountains opened in the city. People would come there and their filthiness will be removed. Hearts will begin to thirst for the fountain. It is not going to just be a still water. It will flow.

Pastor Richard Ashaolu:

We have been losing harvests and the strategy to plunge into the waste is church planting. There is a conception in the body going on that will be birthed in the next 2 to 3 years. We need to develop strong church leadership structures well as strong entrepreneurship and marriage structures. Prayer: Help me to be quick in responding to your instructions.

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