GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 3 (Morning Session) Part 3



[biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 2:12-14″ display=”1 JOHN 2:12-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOHN 3:3″ display=”JOHN 3:3″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 103:1-5″ display=”PSALM 103:1-5″]

John’s letter was addressed to Children, Young Men and Adults in the Family of God. When you are born again you become a child of God. Thank God for children but they have their own limitations. Children need to become sons before they can handle higher responsibilities.

The forgiveness of sins is one of the greatest assets we have in the Kingdom. We must appreciate God who covers our sins. However, we must migrate to a place where are over and above sin.

We must understand grace. It is to strengthen us to overcome sin. It is not a license to sin. We need grace to go unto perfection. We cannot remain babes and pretend to be under grace. We must not allow the wicked one to use the very thing that is meant to save us to destroy us.

[biblegateway passage=”2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17″ display=”2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17″]; [biblegateway passage=”DEUTERONOMY 32:11″ display=”DEUTERONOMY 32:11″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:8″ display=”HEBREWS 5:8″]; [biblegateway passage=”JUDGES 15:14″ display=”JUDGES 15:14″]; [biblegateway passage=”PROVERBS 18:21″ display=”PROVERBS 18:21″]

Four dimensions of the word of God we must get into:

1. Logos: It is the Written Word. We need to study the word of God regularly.

2. Rhema: This is the Revealed Word. When the written word becomes real to us, we have got into the rhema of the word.

3. The Prophetic Word: It is the word sent to you with your name and address on it. We need customized prophetic words from season to season.

4. The Hidden Manna: This talks about the mysteries of God. They are bones and they are not for babies. They are meant for those who have matured with their senses exercised to discern between good and evil.

Young men are strong as a result of proper nutrition, development, training and exercise. Anyone who desires to be strong can be strong. Gaining strength is not easy, it will require a lot of stretching and toughening. Young men are strong because they have the word of God in them. That word is what fortifies them. If we must withstand the evil day, we must learn to put on the whole amour of God and to fight.

At some point, the anointing upon us is at the potential level but them when things happen that stir us up, the anointing becomes kinetic. We are living in days where we are raising jelly Christians. They have no strength to pray, tarry or fast. The evil day is approaching, so we have got to learn how to fight.

We need to speak the word of God because death and life lie in the power of the tongue. We need to be able to speak in the Court Room of Heaven and on the Earth over various situations in our lives. Situations change when we prophecy and speak life over them. We must learn to use our tongues properly.

[biblegateway passage=”PSALM 40:1-7″ display=”PSALM 40:1-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 10:7 ” display=”HEBREWS 10:7 “]

There is a book concerning you in heaven; it is your manifest book. It details your assignment on earth. If you must go into perfection, you must know how much of the book you understand and how much you have accomplished. In order to be perfect, we must act based on our manifest book. Our books must be opened to us so that we can know how to progress.

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