GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 3 (Morning Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 5:12-14″ display=”HEBREWS 5:12-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6:1″ display=”HEBREWS 6:1″]

Perfection is a journey. There is a fullness of salvation that God wants us to advance into. We have to get on the move. We must be ready to move from Egypt to the Land of Promise. We must start the journey before before we can get further instructions. We must move from the initial salvation to the perfection of salvation.

For the children of Isreal, Goshen was an excellent place. They complained so much in the wilderness. God sometimes, troubles our comfort. For Moses, what could have been more perfect than being in the Palace of Pharaoh. God did not allow the Isrealites to build structures, so they lived in tents. This is primarily so that they would be able to move. The biggest issues with the church is that we don’t want to move, we have built structures that hinder our movement.

We don’t have what it takes to succeed in the journey but we need to cooperate with God who gives strength for the journey. Embarking on the journey to the other side is hard because it is uncertain to man what it looks like. We would rather stay in our comfort zones.

There are bus stops in Perfection until we get to the Fullness of the Godhead. If you are not ready to walk in the Spirit, you will always walk in the flesh even if the very obvious works of the flesh don’t manifest in your life. There are some levels of maturity we can walk in that will give us some keys. We must keep advancing to keep accessing new dimensions in God. If we don’t grow up, we can’t go up.

The first bus-stop of perfection is maturity. In perfection, there are bus-stops. Jesus was perfect at the time he walked in the earth, and he was still in the journey unto perfection. He gave up his Spirit and died. After resurrection, He became the fullness of the God-head.

You can’t come into perfection until you are born of the Spirit. The imperfect man is the one who cannot understand the word of righteousness. As your skill increases, your salary increases. The more you can handle the the word of righteousness, the more dimensions you can access in God. We have to be passionate in being more and more righteous so that we can be perfect. Righteousness is God’s way of doing right and being right.

The journey seems to be tough because they are seemingly no set rules and regulations or a map for the journey. The map for the journey is the Holy Spirit. Every step in the journey is taken by faith. It is a life of movement. We don’t have what it takes, we only have to co-operate with the Holy Spirit.

There are mysteries in God that we need to grow up to get. The valuable things of God are not given except we desire them and we are sincere about them. We have a church that wants to go up and be raptured, but they don’t want to grow up. We have people that want to do right, without being right. Being right is a position we take as we become born again. We cannot have Faith, Unity and Love without the righteousness of God. His righteousness is what imparts this nature into us.

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