GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 3 (Evening Session) Part 2

[biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 2:12-14″ display=”1 JOHN 2:12-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOHN 14:6-10″ display=”JOHN 14:6-10″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOHN 6:53-63″ display=”JOHN 6:53-63″]; [biblegateway passage=”LUKE 8:18″ display=”LUKE 8:18″]
We have to stop being like children going about in diapers. We must allow the word of God to abide in us so that we can grow strong. We need to grow from babyhood by letting the word of God abide in us so we can overcome the wicked one.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He shows us the way; He tells us the truth and He gives us life. The words of God show us the way, tell us the truth and give us life. We must be careful how we hear. Be careful who you submit yourself to for words. Words are powerful; they can kill, provoke, instruct or correct. The words of God are spirit and life.
[biblegateway passage=”PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14″ display=”PHILIPPIANS 3:12-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 17:1-2″ display=”GENESIS 17:1-2″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 32:24-30 ” display=”GENESIS 32:24-30 “]
‘Pressing’ is a strong word; it is a determined move into God. We cannot attain unto perfection if we are gentlemanly about it. Abraham had to do more than having a mere relationship with God, he had to walk perfectly before God. That walk was going to lead to God cutting a trans-generational covenant with him. One of the things fathers do is to receive covenants that are powerful. As correct parents, we must clear the way for our offspring so that they can advance without stress.
Jacob had to wrestle with God until he had a breakthrough. The wrestling was at the instance of God but once Jacob got involved, he would not back out until he was blessed. He had his name changed from Jacob to Israel.
[biblegateway passage=”EXODUS 3:13-14″ display=”EXODUS 3:13-14″]; [biblegateway passage=”1 JOHN 1:1″ display=”1 JOHN 1:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 104:15″ display=”PSALM 104:15″]; [biblegateway passage=”2 CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 ” display=”2 CORINTHIANS 5:1-5 “]
GOD is the I AM THAT I AM, every man is mere dust. Men are debased mortals but He is the Awesome God. If God can reveal Himself to ordinary people, He can reveal Himself to the fathers. Fathers have extraordinary opportunities to interface with God.
When Moses demanded to see God’s glory, God had to hide him in the cleft of the Rock so that he could see His back side. The Rock is Jesus Christ and that means those of us who are under the New Testament cut by Him can see God just as He is not just only His backside. God is taking us to an era where we will interface with unprecedented dimensions of grace.
If Paul could wish to know God after ‘he had seen it all’, we have a lot to learn from him. We must never get to a point where we think we know it all. We must go beyond hearing God, seeing Him and looking upon Him to a place where we handle the Word of life.
The Children dimension represents the Outer Court in the Tabernacle. It is the dimension of where sins are dealt with. This the foundation. We must ensure that we get all we need to get as children. Salvation is real and we must get it on a sure footing. Salvation is a total package and it involves deliverance from sin, oppression, sickness and diseases. Sin and its consequences are dealt with in the Outer Court.
The Young Men represent the Holy Place dimension. Wine, oil and bread are found in the Holy Place. They represent the anointing and God’s word administered to us by the Holy Spirit. It is the place of spiritual empowerment.
The Most Holy Place is the dimension of the fathers. It is the place where we seek the knowledge of God. The Ark of Covenant in this place is made of gopher wood and overlaid with pure gold: Wood represents our humanity while gold represents Divinity. The Most Holy Place is where mortality interfaces with immortality. Here, Divinity takes over humanity. When we meet the one who has been from the beginning, our immortality is swallowed by life. When Moses met with God for forty days and forty nights, his face glowed and the people could not look upon him.
We have to migrate to the place of the fathers; that is the place of perfection!

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