GOING UNTO PERFECTION [DIORTHOSIS 2016] Day 2 (Morning Session) Part 2


[biblegateway passage=”ECCLESIASTES 1:12-15″ display=”ECCLESIASTES 1:12-15″]; [biblegateway passage=”JOB 14:4″ display=”JOB 14:4″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6:1 ” display=”HEBREWS 6:1 “]

Perfection is a finished work. There is nothing to add to it or subtract from it. Perfection is not a state of sinlessness; it is the ability to know our true state at every point in time and make necessary adjustments. It is very important to know that we must allow ourselves to be drawn in it since God will not force us into it.

Perfection is not a human ambition. It is not a gift of the Spirit though it is impossible without the Holy Spirit. Perfection is the work of the Holy Spirit. There is no contradiction in scripture though there are paradoxes that the uninitiated keep stumbling over.

Solomon said the things of God in his many poetical writings but the Church did not understand what he was declaring. Men got into the place of corruption and crookedness as a result of wrong desires.

[biblegateway passage=”GALATIANS 5:19-21″ display=”GALATIANS 5:19-21″]; [biblegateway passage=”ISAIAH 29:23″ display=”ISAIAH 29:23″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 1:3″ display=”HEBREWS 1:3″]; [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 5:48 ” display=”MATTHEW 5:48 “]

The flesh has it works just like the Spirit has His works. Those that are in the flesh project its works. The Holy Spirit begins to work perfection in us when we divorce ourselves from the influence of the flesh. Satan has representatives who fight his cause, they are faithful to him and they manifest his traits. We are representatives of Christ whose configuration is perfection and we must live up to our calling.

The war of perfection starts with the ministry of the word. What you are fed with is what you end up becoming. You cannot be fed with the solid word of Christ and not have a perfection disposition. Jesus is the effulgence of the Almighty God; He is the express image of the Father. To follow Him is to go unto perfection. Being like Him is being like God. Jesus instructs us to be perfect because it is possible to be perfect. However, it is not possible to be perfect by our human power. As far as we keep our focus on the goal: God, we will end up perfect.

[biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 1:31″ display=”GENESIS 1:31″]; [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 2:19″ display=”GENESIS 2:19″]; [biblegateway passage=”DANIEL 1:4″ display=”DANIEL 1:4″]

In the beginning, there was perfection in the ways of Adam. He operated in perfection before the fall. Perfection is an alignment unto Son-ship. It was demonstrated when Daniel and his companions got a revelation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the interpretation. The operation of Moses, to a large extent, depicted perfection. Though those Old Testament saints were mortal but they operated like gods on earth. Many of them stood in the stead of God on many occasions.

[biblegateway passage=”DANIEL 2:4″ display=”DANIEL 2:4″]; [biblegateway passage=”PSALM 139:14″ display=”PSALM 139:14″]; [biblegateway passage=”HOSEA 12:1″ display=”HOSEA 12:1″]; [biblegateway passage=”HEBREWS 6:1″ display=”HEBREWS 6:1″]

As a people gunning for perfection, we are terrors unto the ungodly just like Moses was a terror to Pharaoh and the gentile nations they traversed on their way to the Promised Land. The journey to the Land of Promise can be likened to our journey towards perfection with an avalanche of challenges and distractions which we must defy to get to our destination.

When we feed on wind, we will have no strength to attain unto perfection. When we feed on wind, we reap whirlwind which is a symbolism of disorderliness. We have to feed on God’s word which is able to fortify and mature us unto the end that we are perfect. The meat of God’s word transforms our lives.

We must be careful how we are built and how we build others so that the wrong materials will not be involved in the building processes. It will amount to stress or sheer waste of time and resources to try to rebuild a wrongly built house. We can’t come into perfection if we don’t follow up ourselves, if are not concerned with the welfare of our brethren. Think perfection, live perfection!

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