The Glory and the Riches of His Kingdom; Day 4 Morning Session

Message 2

Minister: Pst Tayo Ladejo

Ephesians 2:1ff – The riches and glory of Christ are conceived in the mercy that raised us up from death to life. The ultimate agenda of heaven is the showcasing of the riches of God’s glory through the Church. The reason God wants to showcase His glory is that He wants to stun and stupefy the powers, principalities and agenda of the enemy. The kingdom consequence of the showing of God’s glory is the establishment of His will.
Ephesians 3:10 – Oftentimes, we ask the Lord God of Elijah to demonstrate His power but we don’t know that the God of Elijah is incapacitated because He is looking for the ‘Elijahs’ He can use. When he finds people who are brave and can consecrate themselves, the kingdom will show up.
Heaven is not satisfied with the kinds of leadership that will turn people into beggars. God does not want any other high place mounted in the heart of the people. Jehovah is meant to be the only high place in our hearts. He wants every of our allegiance to be to him alone and all of our focus on Him.
Our warfare should not be one that compromises the love of God in the heart of the people but that will focus on the reorientation of men about the kingdom. Truth needs to become the centre of attraction. We must be strengthened in our faith if we must see the revelation of His riches and glory in this end of the age. We must depart from iniquity (illegality). Our souls must be constantly quickened if we must exhibit the kingdom here on earth.
Romans 11:25ff – God wants us to be partners in His wisdom and knowledge so that we will be lifted in the spirit and elevated to the council of heaven where we can share the mind of His and reason with Him. We become counsellors through which the agenda of God become revealed in the earth. That is the calling of the Church. The Church is not a building but a movement where the activity of God must be established. God is not seeking onlookers but those who are ready for consecration. As the Spirit of God works in us, our understanding is being changed and alignment with God’s will is achieved.
All the riches of this world amounts to not even an atom of the riches of God. Earthly riches can fail but the riches of the kingdom is the real thing we should run after. Now is the time the church needs to invest in acquiring the riches of God.
Poor societal values cause serious damages in us but as we begin to gravitate towards Zion and we look up to the author and finisher of our faith, hope is restored. As we begin to apprehend the hope of His high calling, He begins to do a work of restructuring in us, mentally and in character.

The kingdom of God is triggered by the hope of His calling. If the church is bereaved of the hope of His calling, she will not expand the kingdom because she has no hope of transformative work. We can carry power but power in a dysfunctional vessel is catastrophic.
The riches of God’s glory are embedded in His wisdom and knowledge. Without acquiring these two, we cannot operate in the Hope of His calling. Divine life is wrapped up in these two. The more insight into the wisdom and the knowledge of God that we have, the more of the life of God that is expressed through us.
Psalms 27:4 – The choices we make in life can be used to identify where we are in the kingdom. When we place first what the gentiles crave for, it says a lot about where we are in God, definitely not in the kingdom.
Your allegiance to any kingdom will cost you something. The kingdom of God demands that you give nothing less than your best. To serve God is costly but to serve Satan is costlier.
It is not possible for God to fill up your heart until He has taken over the centre of your heart. When you give God His place, every other thing becomes a walkover, even temptation.
Ephesians 3:1ff – Without a broken spirit, the weight of His glory will not rest on a man. The economy of grace and the stewardship of purpose is heaven’s strategy in establishing the kingdom of God. The riches and glory of God is only entrusted to those who have been incarcerated by the higher calling. This means that the mandate for which you exist is defined in Christ.
God doesn’t waste spiritual resources. Therefore, He will only entrust them to people who would not waste them. You must understand that there is something bigger than you which you must live for. The purpose of your existence must transcend your personal survival.
The things of God are conveyed through the instrumentality of revelational knowledge. We don’t own anything until we come to the perception of it. Revelation is the unravelling of the mysteries of Christ. When God shares His mystery with us, it is with the intention of bringing us into the inner circle. He is calling us into companionship.
Prophetic operations are about the intent of the information given rather than the information itself. The essence of the communication of divine secrets is to upgrade us spiritually and bring us to a place where we can operate according to the heart of God. Revelation is the property of mercy not a result of intellectual prowess. The one who will be a recipient of revelation needs a huge dosage of humility (Matthew 13:17).

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