The Glory and the Riches of His Kingdom; Day 3 Morning Session

Message 1

Minister: Pst (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

The kingdom of God is so rich that we can never exhaust it. The kingdom of God is not about a place but about the life we have in God including what we have heard and known about Him. In Daniel 7, after going through a terrible time in his life, King Nebuchadnezzar came to the realization that God is the only One with dominion, glory and power (verse 14).
God revealed himself to men in the Old Testament but He did not reveal the totality of His will. However, in the New Testament, everything about His will is revealed and we have the privilege of access.
Genesis 17:4 – As members of God’s kingdom, the Lord requires that we walk before him and be perfect. That instruction was given to Abraham and it is expected of us to also do the same as kings and priests.
Abraham did not have his first seed until he followed the direction and instruction that God gave him. God still speaks as He spoke to Abraham and we must be ready to follow.
Apart from the fact that God wanted to make a promise to Abraham, God also wanted a relationship with him. If we say we are the people of God, we must be ready to seek more of His ways and kingdom.
Ephesians 1:3 – God has given all things to us because He owns all. He gave us all things that pertain to Christ – power, healing, faith, wisdom, etc. As long as Christ has it, we have it too. These are the riches of His kingdom and they endure forever as long as we remain in Him.
Colossians 2:7 – Being rooted, built up and established in faith is one of the spiritual riches we have been given in Christ. God gave us grace as legal owners as well as the opportunity as joint-heirs with Christ so we can be established in Him. He desires that we come into depth with Him, knowing everything about Him.

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