The Glory and the Riches of His Kingdom; Day 2 Evening Session

Message 1

Minister: Pst Ayo Jeje

What Satan was doing with the Lord in Luke 4:5 was a presentation of appeals. He is a master in bringing all sorts of appeals but it lies on us to choose which appeal to accept. If God has not shown you the worth of the kingdom, you may accept other appeals that offer less.
The mind is such a complex system that it can summarize a generation in a moment. The reality of all that God wants to give you is your consciousness. In essence, you don’t own anything except it is seated in the deepest part of your consciousness (the subconscious). The moment a man’s knowledge alters his common sense, it has become truth and that will give him freedom.
In every kingdom, power and glory cannot be missing. Each time kingdom is perceived, the authority must be ascertained because the real expression of the kingdom is no longer by geography; it is by reign and leadership.
Jesus’ response to Satan when he was tempted only shows a true understanding of ownership. He understood that God is the owner of all things and He is the one to be worshipped. When we know who owns all things, we can yield to the right person. A correct perception of the kingdom puts you above all schemes of the enemy. The basis of your communion/fellowship/victory/worship is your perception of the kingdom.
In the book of Matthew 6:13, the basis of Jesus’ victory over Satan is recorded. He acknowledged that the kingdom, the power and the glory belong only to God. The reason you are still tempted to give worship to the devil is because you are not convinced that God owns it all. Accurate realisation always births worship. His realization of the true owner of the kingdom, the power and the glory in 1 Chronicles 29:10ff is what made David a great worshipper. Until we have found this reality, worship is not possible.
The expression of the kingdom is more than a geographical domain. The expression of the kingdom of heaven on earth is the kingdom of God on earth and it is centred on His will. The expression of the kingdom is no longer a national covenant, it is now personal.
To express the kingdom, the only thing a man needs to transact with is his will. Even when a man dies, all that he leaves is a will. In the kingdom, your will is what you sell to have what is available in God. When your will is submitted to God, He freely commits the riches of the Kingdom to you because He knows that He still owns you and all that has been given to you.
God does not take pleasure in giving treasures to swine. Until your sense of value opens, there are things you won’t handle. There are kingdom dimensions you won’t access until you can value the things of the kingdom. There are things we have not come to terms with in the kingdom and until we come to these realizations we may not get to handle certain things.
If it is difficult for God to control your money then, it will be difficult for Him to control your will. True riches will not be entrusted unto you until you have given up your will to God.
The Jews had to question Jesus’ association of Himself with God in John 5:17 because they know that anyone who has a relationship with the Father, has a dimension of the Father. Thus, the mystery is that God is open for us fully as a Father. When you receive Him as a Father, every other thing falls in place. If you cannot perceive Him as a Father, prayer cannot begin. There is a dimension of mystery in fatherhood and sonship that brings us into oneness with God.
Your position in Christ and your relationship with the Father make you worth more than billions of dollars. You have received the spirit of adoption to sonship and you must understand that royalty is in you. Ours is a kingdom where all the subjects are kings, that is why He is King of kings. The riches of the kingdom are embedded in the understanding that you are a king.

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