The Glory and the Riches of His Kingdom Day 1 Evening

Message 1

Minister: Prophet Ayo Jeje

The posture of the 24 elders in Revelation 4:10 gives us an insight that will make us appreciate worship. The statement “thou art worthy” is not just a song but a realization. Worship does not really start until there is a realization that all things are created for God’s will. He has created every man for His pleasure and so whenever we worship, it is a return on His investment.
The elders did not give glory to themselves, rather they cast down their crowns and gave glory to God. By so doing they deferred to the One who alone is worthy to receive all glory, honour and power. When we understand that God created all things for His will, then we begin to know Him beyond the surface.
The most acceptable posture in worship is seen by David as described in Psalms 8; it is from the one who is dependent on God. The real power is with those who depend on God and these are the ones who have a bond and enjoy fellowship with Him.
The bond that we have with God is the foundation of praise. That is where real power comes from. You offer powerful praise when you have intimacy with God. You cannot know too much of God. In fact, knowing God spurs you to want to know more of Him. He is the One who keeps revealing Himself but always remains a mystery.
As you focus your attention on God, He fills you with so much of Himself to the extent that you are lost in Him. As you pay full attention to God, your troubles pale in significance. When you give yourself to God, He gives Himself to you. In the kingdom, we need to be dispossessed of ourselves before we can be possessed by God.

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