The Glory of the Kingdom by Pastor Bola Bello

24th May 2022

Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

We are not bereft of the word of God but we often fail to internalize and act on what we hear. The basic reality of redemption is to bring man back to glory. Hence, there is a need for us to understand the essence of redemption.
Romans 3:21-23
All men have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Thus, God orchestrated redemption to bring man back into glory. Redemption does not only grant us remission of sin; it also brings us into the glory that we lost originally.
Leviticus 25:23-25,47,48
Understanding the historical background of the concept of redemption is very important if we must come into what Christ did for us on the cross. There are four critical elements of redemption, namely salvation, atonement, righteousness and glory.
Ephesians 1:7; Romans 3:21
Redemption, in both the Old and New Testaments, is a legal thing. A price has to be paid so that it can be effective. Unfortunately, as believers, we are usually not aware of the legal implications of the redemption which we have received. Men like Abraham never had the opportunity of Christ atoning their sins yet they entered into the glory in a measure while we who have the privilege of Christ’s death have failed to lay claim on our right of coming into glory. Redemption does not stop at the remission of sin, it is ultimately meant to bring us into glory. This glory is transmitted to us through redemption.
Exodus 29:36-37; Hebrews 9:13-14
One of ways in which Satan gets at us is through condemnation. The law brings us into slavery; although it was instituted to help man, the flesh is too weak to fulfill its requirements. Thus, it enslaves law our flesh. The law’s inefficiency to bring man into glory is what necessitated redemption.
Isaiah 43:7
Glory is not a physical thing; it is a representation of God’s nature. It is God acting through man. It is man standing for God. Glory is not something we can’t relate with; we experience it in our daily lives.
Isaiah 40:2-5
At the time we confess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our focus should not be limited to the remission of sins but to the endpoint of coming into glory

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