Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

[biblegateway passage=”Acts 1:4-6″ display=”Acts 1:4-6″]

In the word of God, all through the gospels. Jesus so much talked, taught and preached about the Kingdom of God.

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One of the major reasons why the disciples stuck and decided to be with Jesus was because he spoke about a Kingdom that was at hand. Simon and Andrew’s case was similar as they forsook their business and followed Jesus after he taught about the Kingdom.

Everyone that followed Jesus had a particular expectation from Jesus. Some of them were ambitious of this Kingdom he spoke about and some followed because of bread.

Unfortunately, Jesus died, and the hope of the disciples died and immediately, they went back to pick up their nets. But, after Jesus rose, the desire for the Kingdom came back to live again. The disciples were now once again asking about the promise of the Kingdom. They asked about the promise to rule with him in his throne because was about to go again.

Nobody follows God without a reason, but let the reason be genuine. Some people came to Jesus because of miracles.

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When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to leave, and they were sorrowful in heart because they thought their hope was lost. To do good means to stay on the Lord and follow His revealed will.

[biblegateway passage=”Isaiah 50:10 “]

Men always want to know what will happen tomorrow. Can we trust God to do that which is good for our future? The present circumstances may not add up. Each time, we step out of trusting God, the Devil could some times step in.

[biblegateway passage=”Isaiah 26:3″ display=”Isaiah 26:3″]; [biblegateway passage=”Ephesians 3:14-16″ display=”Ephesians 3:14-16″]

The Lord keeps us in peace only if our mind is stayed on Him. Without strength in our inner man, we cannot trust God and cause our hearts to stay on Him for the true reason why we were called.

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