Expressions of Glory and Riches

19TH APRIL 2022

Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu

Text: Revelation 5:11, 12
“Everything we do either in the Spirit or the flesh is basically for glory.” – Pastor Bola Bello
“We were made for glory and people go through different means to seek it. You can either go to the cross or bow to the Devil.” – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi
Jesus died so that He could receive all power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. When He said all power in heaven and on earth was given unto Him after His resurrection, it means he received all the things listed in Revelation 5:12.
Colossians 1:24-29
Christ in us brings hope of our restoration to our original estate of blazing glory before man fell. Glory and riches are expressed in light (brightness), weight (influence and responsibility), majesty (breathtaking royalty) and abundance (affluence). Some words associated with light include Brightness, Brilliance, Burning, Fire, Illumination, Luminary, Star, etc.
2 Corinthians 4:6
Light enhances sight and visibility. Light makes us see and be seen. Light makes things shine. Light is energy.
Light travels at different speeds in different media; the texture of our hearts will determine how well God’s light operates in them. Light travels through any space available to it; the more openings available in your heart, the more the light of God can work upon you. Light can be reflected; if you allow God’s light to shine on you, you will naturally radiate His glory.
God has shined in our hearts so that He can give us the light of the knowledge of His glory which is clearly seen in the face of Christ.
Ephesians 1:18
Glory is a function of how well you see. The more enlightened your eyes of understanding are, the more you can come to terms with the glory that God has given us to inherit.
James 1:17
God is the Father of lights. His gifts are streams of light that He pours out on us once we are willing to receive from Him. He can be trusted because He never changes, He doesn’t vary.
John 8:12
Jesus is the Light of the world. If we follow Him, we will not grope in the dark. He makes available unto us ample light for our day to day living.
Matthew 5:14
We are the light of the world. By virtue of the fact that we are Jesus’ disciples, we shine like cities put on a pedestal for the whole world to see. We don’t struggle to be recognized because the life of God is in us.
1 Corinthians 15:41
The level of your light determines the level of your glory. In creation, there are varieties of beauty and brightness. As we permit the light of God to shine in us and through us more and more, we radiate God’s glory in increasing degrees.
John 5:31-35
We are Jesus’ witnesses when we shine and burn for Him. John the Baptist bore witness about Jesus and people were attracted to his light while it lasted. As we shine the light of Jesus, people will be attracted to us because everything in nature responds to light.
Colossians 1:23-29; Isaiah 60:1-3
We need to keep advancing in the faith to be guaranteed the glory we seek. Our faith has to be unshakable and unmoveable if we will realise the fullness of the glory that we carry. We need to take action by arising like those upon whom God’s glory has risen.

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