Exhortation 1: The Purposeful Woman

Sister Precious

Before God formed us, He knew what we will be and what we will become. God has called us into Christ Jesus. God’s purpose for our lives is deposited in us. The purpose of God is for us to express God in us to the world. He reveals Himself to us so that we can reveal Him to the world.

Galatians 1:15-17

God has set us apart to fulfill His will and desires here on earth. We are created by Him, through Him and for Him. Christ is bringing us to conform to His will. He is very interested in what we do.

When we begin to understand that God has a purpose for our lives, then we will begin to align ourselves with Him. You can’t talk about purpose without mentioning the Holy Spirit. God has given us the Holy Spirit to reveal things to us, His purpose for our lives inclusive.

1 Corinthians 2:9-13

Having a purpose is not about external actions. The Holy Spirit teaches us when we begin to go deep in fellowship with God. We cannot be relevant if we do not understand purpose. God has deposited great things in us and with the Help of the Holy Spirit, He has given us all we need to relate with God.

Queen Esther was given an opportunity to save the Jews. She never planned to be Queen and getting there, she might have thought that was the highest she could attain. Her uncle Mordecai, however made her understand that she was in that position for a higher purpose. Likewise, we will be given opportunities where we can reveal God to the world.

We really need to give deep thought on how to align ourselves with God. The highest purpose we can ever have is to reveal Christ, to be conformed to the image of the Son.

The more we picture God’s beauty, the more God’s beauty begins to rob off on us. We need continuous fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Whatever position we occupy in life, it is an opportunity to fulfill God’s purpose. We must also come to the understanding that purpose is not about us, it is about God. It is about His will.

In order to align with God, it starts from our love for Him. We must love God. He knows us and loves us; He is ever waiting for us to come into alignment. It takes a genuine walk with God to access God’s purpose for our lives.

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