Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Rev. Gbade Ogunlana

Message I
Minister: Rev. Gbade Ogunlana

Text: Ephesians 4:8-13
What God had in mind when He said we should come into the fullness of Christ was that we should all grow to the level of Christ. For this reason, gifts were given to men. Coming into the fullness of Christ is a journey that starts with being saved. Interestingly, many people who think they have started this journey are yet to start. Such people’s growth is impeded as a result of mishandling by Church leaders (the gifts Christ gave to the Church). When the wrong Gifts address the wrong audiences, growth cannot be impeded. For instance, in Luke 4:23, Jesus in the office of a prophet ministered to people who desired miracles and healing.
The church is supposed to be a place where men come to learn about God and how to bring God’s influence to the world. Unfortunately, the Church has been turned into a solution centre by many leaders. People also enhance this by searching for places where their problems will be solved rather than where they will meet God. The Church has been turned into a place where religiosity is promoted instead of spirituality.
In Galatians 4:19, Paul laid an example of what the church should be doing in the world – travailing! Paul travailed for his disciples so that Christ may be formed in them. In today’s world, things have changed a lot. Today, the Church consists of people who do not know God but follow people who know about God.
As a way out, the Church needs a little bit more prayers so that men will come to know Christ. In prayer, we travail! If the Church will not travail, she may not attain the fullness of Christ.
Meanwhile, as we grow, it is important to be aware of our level of growth. 1 John 2:12 describes three stages of growth – little children, young men, and fathers.
Little children know that their sins are forgiven. Thus, you are not growing if keep confessing your sins every time you pray. Your sins have been forgiven, once and for all. It is crucial that we walk and grow in the knowledge that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins.
Every nation will be judged based on the law guiding them. This is why we are admonished by the Scripture to pray for our government. The Scripture admonishes us to pray for our leaders so that we can live righteously. When the system is faulty, righteousness will be difficult (1 Timothy 2:1,2).
Little children understand that once in Christ, they have a clean record before God. According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, we become new persons in Christ even if we had a very terrible past.
God is not in heaven looking for your slightest mistake; He is your Father! The beauty of confessing our sins is forgiveness. It is utterly meaningless for any pastor to speak words that cripple his members by making them feel they are still unsaved even after giving their lives to Christ.
Jesus has paid for the sins of the whole world but people still have to accept the sacrifice. If anyone goes to hell, it is because he refused to acknowledge that his sins have been paid for. Many people are so conscious of what may be wrong rather than what God has said.
Hebrews 4:16
As believers, we have a Father who is fanatically in love with us. Whenever we sin, He expects us to come boldly to the throne of Grace to obtain mercy. We should not come before the throne shivering, dejected, and condemned; instead we should come with the confidence that we know that if we sin, He will forgive us

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