Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Dr. Femi Jemiloun

Diorthosis Convention 2022 Day 4
Message I
Ministering: Dr. Femi Jemilohun
Text: Ephesians 4:7-16
God intends that man will come to be like Him. Even though man failed, His intention is still that man progressively comes to be like Him. The essence of God’s working in us is so that we may become brethren with Christ being the first among us. Thus, if all we do does not lead us into becoming like Christ, then there is a problem. The fullness of Christ is the manifestation of what God has been working on before the ages.
While the first Adam was made with dust, the second and last Adam was made in death. Satan saw the first Adam as a rival, attacked him, and won. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t win the last Adam. This is the stature God wants us to attain. It is God’s intention that we resemble Christ regardless of our colour or stature. This journey is a progressive walk. The vehicles that drive us to perfection are unity and knowledge; unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God.
God’s promises are beautiful but no matter how beautiful they are, the place of human responsibility cannot be downplayed. In as much as God desires to bring us into fullness, we will not come into it by chance. Angels will not come to download the fullness of Christ to us, we have to play our parts. Like Eve, we can be deceived to pursue the wrong kind of knowledge but when we allow Christ to be fully formed in us, we will seek only the right knowledge. Coming into Christ’s fullness is not by wishful thinking. We are to make progress, advancing, and mature. Except we consciously look back at the scriptures and let the truth settle in us, we can remain babies.
Taking advantage of the fivefold gifts will enhance our growth. When you learn and fail to practice, you cannot grow. Truth is, there is no way God will work on us becoming like Christ outside these ministry gifts.
God desires to see the whole body fitly joined together with every single part having its role which they cannot do without the other. This is not about titles, it is about functionality. While everybody is not called into the ministry offices, everyone can help the ministers. As we get ministered to, we should minister to others around us. Nothing is built by careless attention. We should not be spiritually careless about one another’s growth.
God’s intention to bring us into a perfect state remains but He cannot do much on earth without us; not because He is powerless but because that is how He structured it from the beginning. Thus, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are still effective in carrying out our part of the deal. There is a maturing that God has intended for us so that we will no longer remain children.
None of us is irrelevant in the agenda of Christ. We should stop becoming burdens to our leaders. Rather, we should grow in Christ and become an addition to the entire body. The fivefold offices should not be the only ones to plant, weed, grow and harvest in the vineyard of God. Every one of us is to effectively deliver our own parts.

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