Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Rev. Kunle Majasan

Diorthosis Convention Day 3
Message I

Minister: Rev. Kunle Majasan
Text: Ephesians 4
Having a clear description of our destination is essential in growing into the fullness of Christ. Man, like God, is a three-membered being. Jesus, while He was rounding off His ministry on earth, broke bread as a symbol of His body. By implication, every man has a portion of Christ’s body. When the church comes together as one, she has come into fullness. This is why God gave gifts to everyone.
1 Corinthians 12:3-6
There are different categories of God’s gift to the Church: the gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of Jesus, and the gifts of the Father. The gifts of the Spirit include the gift of prophecy, interpretation of tongues, etc. They are nine in all. The gifts of Jesus are the fivefold ministries. The gifts of the Father are the gifts of administration. This explains that God the Father is the one in charge of workings; He administers all gifts. The primary purpose of the gifts is to bring back the lost to God’s kingdom.
None of the gifts is above the other. This is why we are all equal before God though it is imperative that we give honour to whom it is due. However, we should not give honour to others because they are bigger than us; rather, we should honour men because of the love of God.
It is painful to know that in the Church today, many leaders feel insecure and this insecurity has debarred the Church from coming into Christ’s fullness. They are not like Jesus who, when He was on earth, could not be differentiated from His disciples. This then points to the fact that it is essential for us to first know who we are if we must come into fullness. Accordingly, we must pay attention to where we are coming from and deal with it.
As against what we have turned ministry to today, true ministry is decreasing for others to see Christ in us. To achieve this, we must know that we have an inheritance in Christ and this inheritance is not contained in material things. The riches we have in Christ are different from those of the Gentiles but before we can handle these riches, we must be processed.
If we are not patient enough to go through the making process, when these riches are passed to us, we are likely to fumble. The place of fullness is the place of Sonship and as Sons, we should ensure not to conform to the system of this world but to establish the government of God here on earth. When we do this, we are fulfilling the righteousness of God.
Righteousness in God’s dictionary is finding His will and doing it. This, in turn, is what makes us grow. Immortality is where we are going and to get into that fullness, the truth of God’s word must be formed in us.

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