
13th September 2020 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi There is nothing bad in being ambitious because ambition in itself is not wrong. The only issue God has with some of our ambitions is that they are birthed by the flesh.They come from the desire of wanting to make a name for ourselves here on earth, and… Continue reading Ambition

Practice Righteousness

30th August, 2020 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Matthew 7: 21 – 27 Lawlessness is one of the signs of the end time. People now do what they like and do it however they like. They walk in iniquity, not bound by any law. Lawlessness is no longer a thing of a local area but… Continue reading Practice Righteousness

The wedding banquet

Date:23rd August, 2020 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Matthew 22: 1 – 14 Jesus told many parables about the kingdom of God and one of them is the parable of the wedding banquet of a king’s son. This parable talks about a certain king who planned a wedding feast for his son but got disappointed… Continue reading The wedding banquet

The life of king Amaziah

''The Sad End of a Man''

16th August, 2020 Ministering: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: 2 Chronicles 25: 1- 28 King Amaziah was 25 years old when he began to reign over the Kingdom of Judah. He reigned for 29 years and died at the age of 54. He died at a very young age but asides his seemingly untimely death, he… Continue reading The life of king Amaziah

Eternal Judgment

9th August, 2020 Ministering: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi It is necessary that we all bear it in mind that we have a date with God; a day when we will come before God and give account of how we lived our lives. The Bible in Hebrews 6:1-2 mentioned six (6) foundational doctrines, (known as the doctrines… Continue reading Eternal Judgment

The mystery of desires

26th July, 2020 Ministering: Pastor Dele Olubi In the past two weeks, we have been learning how to combat the flesh in our Tuesday teachings. This morning my message will be on desires because I know we cannot talk about combating the flesh without talking about desires. The word ‘desire’ was used 111 times in… Continue reading The mystery of desires


Ministering: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi In the natural, we live and have been trained to believe what we can see and verify. Persuasion is the art or process of persuading; to hold an opinion with complete assurance of its validity. In this realm of the seen, there are still certain things we cannot see but we… Continue reading SPIRITUAL PERSUASION