24th May 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello We are not bereft of the word of God but we often fail to internalize and act on what we hear. The basic reality of redemption is to bring man back to glory. Hence, there is a need for us to understand the essence of redemption. Romans 3:21-23… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom by Pastor Bola Bello
Category: School of Diorthosis
The Glory of the Kingdom (Part 2) Pastor Olusola Ogidan

17th May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Olusola Ogidan Colossians 1:23-28 The mystery that was once hidden is now made plain to us because of Jesus Christ. As such, there are gaps in our lives that have to be filled with the secret things God has manifested to us. We are sanctified once the Holy Spirit indwells… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom (Part 2) Pastor Olusola Ogidan
The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Olusola Ogidan

10th May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Olusola Ogidan Colossians 1:23-28 God had been speaking since the beginning but Paul had a feeling that he was commissioned to fill whatever gap was left of the things that God wanted to administer to His people. That means we will be short-changed if we ignore Paul’s message. Our anticipation… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Olusola Ogidan
Expressions of Glory and Riches (Part 2)

TUESDAY, 26TH APRIL 2021 Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu Text: Revelation 5:11-12 Glory and riches are expressed in light (brightness), abundance (affluence), weight (influence and responsibility), majesty (breathtaking royalty). We turn our focus on riches in this study. Riches in the sense of the Old Testament is basically about material abundance, sufficiency, treasure and wealth. Other… Continue reading Expressions of Glory and Riches (Part 2)
The Riches and Glory of His Kingdom
12TH APRIL 2022 Minister: Pst. Dele Olubi The centre of the Scripture is Christ. Everything that God ever did and will ever do has been revealed in Christ. Christ is the summary of what God said, is saying or will say. Psalm 97:1-12; 30:12; 57:8; 108:1 Christ is the only example that we have of… Continue reading The Riches and Glory of His Kingdom
The Glory of the Kingdom

29TH MARCH 2022 Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi We can find scattered information across the Scripture about the glory of God’s Kingdom. Moses was summoned to the mountain, shown the picture of God’s temple in its glory and asked to replicate what he saw on the earth. Isaiah 6:1-7; Psalms 145:11; Daniel 4:36 When we talk… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom
The Glory and the Riches of the Kingdom

22ND MARCH, 2022 Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi Text: 2 Corinthians 3 Paul compares the glory of the Old Testament with the glory of the New Testament showing that they are not the same and that they were never designed to be the same. One would assume that there can never be another glory like that… Continue reading The Glory and the Riches of the Kingdom
Expressions of Glory and Riches

19TH APRIL 2022 Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu Text: Revelation 5:11, 12 “Everything we do either in the Spirit or the flesh is basically for glory.” – Pastor Bola Bello “We were made for glory and people go through different means to seek it. You can either go to the cross or bow to the Devil.”… Continue reading Expressions of Glory and Riches
The Glory of the Kingdom

1ST FEBRUARY, 2022 Ministering: Pastor Bola Jayeola John 3:1-6 If you are born again, you will have the ability to see or understand the kingdom of God. There is the seeing and there is the ability to enter the kingdom. It is not enough for us to see the kingdom; we need to enter and… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom
What Value do You Place on God’s Kingdom?

25th January, 2022 Ministering: Deacon Blessing Akoma Matthew 4:1-11 Matthew presented Jesus as a man and the writer of Hebrew presented Him as being a little lower than the angels. In that light, Jesus was prone to human frailties. We were made to understand that all the glory of this world has been delivered unto… Continue reading What Value do You Place on God’s Kingdom?