The Riches of God’s Kingdom

SCHOOL OF DIORTHORSIS TUESDAY, 9TH AUGUST 2022 Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu In the Old Testament, riches were mainly in terms of material things. In the New Testament, the spiritual dimension of riches became more emphasised. In the epistles, we can easily find instances when Paul describes the kinds of God’s riches that are available to… Continue reading The Riches of God’s Kingdom

The Riches of God’s Kingdom IV: God’s Economic System

SCHOOL OF DIORTHORSIS 2ND AUGUST 2022 Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi Many of the things we call wealth today are intangible; they are based on no substance at all and so they are fraudulent. In the Digital Age, we are moving into, everybody and everything can be tracked as a result of the Internet of Things… Continue reading The Riches of God’s Kingdom IV: God’s Economic System

The Riches of God’s Kingdom III – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

SCHOOL OF DIORTHORSIS 26TH JULY 2022 Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi You cannot be a kingdom person and operate by the principles of the world system. Many of us are just operating on a survival mode running after wealth in such a way that is counterproductive. Every society has about five parameters that define it: Economy,… Continue reading The Riches of God’s Kingdom III – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The Riches of His Kingdom II – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

SCHOOL OF DIORTHORSIS 19TH JULY 2022 Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi The reason why most people don’t have money is that they don’t know how the world system is crafted. The worldly system is basically run by Lucifer and other fallen angels. Any system that man designs is doomed to fail. The world’s economic system runs… Continue reading The Riches of His Kingdom II – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The Riches of His Kingdom I- Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

SCHOOL OF DIORTHORSIS 12TH JULY 2022 Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi Genesis 2:9 Before man was created, God had provided everything he would need for life and godliness. There is nothing outside of God’s creation that man needs. According to God’s design, there will always be an interplay of the natural realm and the spiritual realm.… Continue reading The Riches of His Kingdom I- Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

The Riches of the Glory of the Kingdom II

21ST JUNE, 2022 Minister: Pst. (Mrs.) Adebola Osanyinbi Knowing Christ is a process; the knowledge of Him cannot be exhausted. This knowledge represents the riches of His glory. Though his riches have been freely given to us, we still have to press into them. 2 Peter 1:1-7 You gave your life to Christ to have… Continue reading The Riches of the Glory of the Kingdom II

The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Bola Bello

TUESDAY, 7TH JUNE 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello God is always intentional about our being saved in order to come into His glory. Unfortunately, we don’t know the kind of glory we are to manifest. The first man, Adam, didn’t ride exotic cars yet he manifested the glory of God. God’s intentionality about man coming… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Bola Bello