20th October, 2020

Speaker: Pastor Sola Ogidan

It is important that we all know that there is deception and in fact we should expect to be attacked by it. Once we are aware of the possibility of deception, is a defense in itself. We cannot afford to be simple minded or remain unaware of the dangers and challenges in the world we live in as that will open us up to be deceived. You cannot be naive and unsuspecting. You need to know someone is trying to deceive and destroy you (1 Peter 5:8). Always remember that the devil is experienced at what he does.

Now that we know the devil is interested in deceiving us, there are ways by which we can stand against the deception of the devil. Let us examine some of the way-out.

  1. Submission to authorities (Hebrews 13: 17; Acts 20: 28-30)

Learning to submit to authority and doctrine is one of the ways we can guide against being deceived. According to Hebrews 13:17, the spiritual authorities watch over our souls for our good. Every soul needs an oversight. The deception that cannot take off whoever is placed over you cannot take you off either. These authorities are set there as covering to oversee and supervise. They are able to discern some things by virtue of the office in which they stand. You cannot survive for long just being on your own. You need to know the persons that have been placed as covering over you and submit to them. Note that this has to be voluntary; it is your duty to submit when you have known whom the Lord has placed over you. You are to submit to the authority and also to their doctrine.

  1. The testimony of the Lord (Psalm 19:7)

The testimony of the Lord (that which comes out of the mouth of God) makes the simple wise. Deception is a product of ingenuity; there is a new approach every day. Therefore, wisdom is needed to respond to each situation that comes. You cannot handle deception unless you are wise. You must know how to make good judgment in the midst of crisis. Every interaction that we have with the word is building a base of wisdom within us (Psalms 119:130). There is no source of true wisdom outside God and we lay hold of the wisdom through His word. Wisdom is a major tool to fight against deception and we cannot wait till the day of trouble before getting it.



  1. Full assurance of understanding (Colossians 2:2)

Instability makes us susceptible to deception (2 Peter 2:14). You are unstable when you have the tendency to change and waiver in your view and it is characteristic of children. There is full assurance of understanding when a person is sure of that which he has believed. God cannot open His depth of understanding to many because they are unstable. You should have full assurance of understanding not just full understanding. You should come to a position where you are fully assured of what you have heard in church. Satan will try to come in through the weak areas of your life to lure you therefore you must gain stability through the things that have been established which other people have held unto (Luke 1:1-4). Luke wrote to Theophilus of the things of which he had perfect understanding (Luke 1:3). Note that you need different streams to attain this stability just like Luke did (Luke 1:2). Hearing these truths from different sources establishes it in your heart and it will be difficult for it to be taken away from you (2 Timothy 2:2).

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