[biblegateway passage=”2 Samuel 11:1-6″ display=”2 Samuel 11:1-6″]

As far as heaven was concerned, there was a certain time that Kings ought to go to war, but at one point in time, David chose not to.

Gradually, the devil was orchestrating a trap for David, and David was unknowingly approaching it. We could ask that “why did Bathsheba go out to take her bath about the same time David was taking a walk around his palace top?” All of this was carefully planned out by the devil.

There is nothing wrong in being tempted, but sin is generated when one is being enticed and drawn away by the object of temptation. This is what births sin. When David was fully drawn and enticed by the beauty and nakedness of Bathsheba that he saw, he immediately took an action by enquiring about her and calling up for her. Then David slept with her, thereby committing adultery with her.

However, David did not end it here. In his attempt to cover up for his acts, he repeatedly caused Uriah to get drunk so that he would go in and sleep with his wife, but even in his drunken state, he still did not do so. Here we could see that one sin leads to another. Satan was gradually digging a pit for David. Each time one tries to cover a sin, it is usually by the help of another sin.

Months passed and God did not say anything concerning this matter to David, then close to the birth of the child conceived by Bathsheba, Nathan came to the Palace of David to report a story to him. Immediately, David exploded in anger and pronounced judgement on the man that was being reported about in the story. Unknowing to David, he was the man in question.

And as far as God is concerned with respect to you, the speck in your eyes is far much greater than the log in the eyes of your brother.

Every sin comes with consequences. The Lord pronounced a judgement on David that the sword shall not depart from his house. Despite that David sinned against God, he was still walking in the anointing and power of the Lord in battles and kingdom administration. So, the fact that one is walking in sins, doesn’t mean the anointing cannot still be operational. However, that is not God’s approval to such.

It was the repute of Saul before the people that killed him, he was faced with similar situation with David, but he asked that his honor be restored by Samuel before the people. Unlike David that came before the Lord with broken heart and repentant. Blessed is that man that acknowledges his sins. If you have friends that cannot confront you for a mistake, you have wrong friends and are in the wrong place.

[biblegateway passage=”Psalm 51:1-4″ display=”Psalm 51:1-4″]

This is David’s response to God when his attention was drawn to his wrong doing. Each time God draws our attention to a wrong, it is because of His love.

[biblegateway passage=”Psalms 51:16″ display=”Psalms 51:16″]

David had seen that God delights not in burnt offerings. He knew that the sacrifices that God would never despise is a contrite heart and broken Spirit.

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