The Birth Right of Saints in Christ Jesus

25th April, 2021

Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

Parenting is not limited to our earthly Fathers and Mothers. There are people that God has strategically placed around us to bring us to the place of betterment. The essence of this is to show us what the fatherhood of God looks like. So if we don’t understand the natural birthright that we have with our parents, we may not be able to appreciate the one we have in Christ Jesus and as such may disregard and despise it in our life journey.

Today, we shall be talking about the birthright we have as saints in Christ Jesus and how we can maximize it.

1 Corinthians 4:15

One aspect of God’s Fatherhood to us is in the area of discipline. Many fathers actually show care, love and affection to their children but fail in the area of discipline. God is not like that. He will not only provide or care for our needs, but also discipline us where and when necessary.

As children of God we also have unhindered access to the throne. We do not need any intermediary before we get to Him. Jesus has made the way to the Father open to us already, there is no need to fear or show reluctance when we need to approach Him.

Romans 9:25

We are joint heirs with Christ, so the access Christ has with God is the same access that we as children of God have. To access God as our Father, we must be purified and cleansed. Thank God for the work of the blood of Jesus that did not only bring forgiveness to us but also brought cleansing. So the blood has capacity and potential to cleanse our consciences (Hebrews 9: 13).

Even when we draw back into bad conducts, we do not need to run away and feel like there is no hope for us again. The blood of Jesus has been given for that unhindered access to ask for forgiveness. However, we have to be careful with the way we live our lives (Hebrews 4:15-16).

Many fathers have actually denied their children one thing or the other because of their selfish interest but God is not like that. God is concerned about everything that has to do with us, whether it’s our careers, our marriages, our families or whatever. We just need to recognize His place in our lives and consult Him before taking any step.

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