Relationship Between Our Mind And Our Spirit Walk III

PASTOR SEYI OSANYINBI Walking in the spirit might look very simple, but this is meant to be our original profession. But, people have come to misunderstand the true meaning of walking in the spirit. Moreover, we need to consider the foundational issues of faith before we begin to build structures on it else we would… Continue reading Relationship Between Our Mind And Our Spirit Walk III

The Burden Of The Lord

praying intently / the man communes with his God / desperate for his love

PASTOR AYO JEJE Romans 5:20(KJV): “20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”; If we really want to draw the resources of God, we need to engage in the main interest of God, which is saving the lost soul. We must take it as a personal… Continue reading The Burden Of The Lord

The God Of Peace

PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI ROMANS 16:17-20(KJV): ” 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. 19 For your… Continue reading The God Of Peace


PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI SATURDAY EVENING SESSION (B) [biblegateway passage=”LUKE 1:62-63″ display=”LUKE 1:62-63″] There may be no antecedents for many things that will happen in these last days. For instance, nobody’s shadow has healed anyone before Paul’s shadow did so in the early church. We need to be delivered from abused religion so that we can… Continue reading YOUTH CONVENTION’16 (EVENING SESSION 2) (B)


PASTOR EMMANUEL DANSU SATURDAY EVENING SESSION (A) [biblegateway passage=”2 KINGS 6:2-7″ display=”2 KINGS 6:2-7″], [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 39:1-6″ display=”GENESIS 39:1-6″], [biblegateway passage=”GENESIS 17:1-3″ display=”GENESIS 17:1-3″], [biblegateway passage=”MATTHEW 1:2″ display=”MATTHEW 1:2″], [biblegateway passage=”1 CHRONICLES 4:10″ display=”1 CHRONICLES 4:10″] The concept of break through suggests the existence of barriers, obstacles, constraints, resistant and limitation. There is no break… Continue reading YOUTH CONVENTION’16 (EVENING SESSION 2) (A)

Youth Convention’16 (Morning Session 1)

PASTOR OLUWASEYI OSANYINBI SATURDAY MORNING SESSION JOB 14:1(KJV): “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.”; Break through can be simply put as having access to things that are normally beyond us. Miracles do happen when the supernatural realm of God breaks into our physical realm. We must note… Continue reading Youth Convention’16 (Morning Session 1)