Minister: Pst. (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi 23rd March, 2021 When we talk about potentials, the first thing that comes to mind is natural talent but here, we talk about authority. Authority talks about influence, control, or ruler-ship. After the creation of man in Genesis 1:26, God gave unto man power and authority over all that He… Continue reading Maximizing your potentials in the Lord
Author: Admin
The Backsliding Heart
28TH FEBRUARY, 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Backsliding is a danger we all face, a reality we come across in our Christian walk. The whole book of Jeremiah was particularly written to address this problem. To backslide means to go back. Our walk in life is a pilgrimage that terminates at a point called destiny.… Continue reading The Backsliding Heart
Joab the Warrior
21ST FEBRUARY, 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Many things are worthy of note from Bible characters. God did not just put the stories of people in the Bible for nothing. Today’s topic is focused on one of the finest warriors during the time of David- Joab. Joab is unfortunately one of the most disappointing characters… Continue reading Joab the Warrior
14th February 2021 Text: Proverbs 22:17-21 Minister: Pastor Felix Akeboi It is possible to be a follower of Christ yet lack in-depth knowledge of Him. Knowledge is essential for life. Thus, in everything, it is important that we apply our hearts to knowledge. From the story of the fall in Genesis 3, you would wonder… Continue reading Knowledge
31ST JANUARY, 2021 Text : 2Timothy 4:2, Revelation 3:19 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Paul instructed Timothy that he should preach the gospel and that his teaching should contain reproof, rebuke and exhortation with all long-suffering and doctrine. To exhort means to encourage and this involves giving constant reminders. Today, we will remind ourselves of some… Continue reading Temptation
Title: God’s Pattern
24th January, 2021 Text: Exodus 25:1-9 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi From the beginning, we see that God is a person of patterns; He is deliberate about whatever he does. In 1 Corinthians 3:10, the word ‘master builder’ depicts the combination of the works of an architect and a builder. Everything God created follows a pattern;… Continue reading Title: God’s Pattern