Jesus as a Friend

28th March, 2021 Text: Proverbs 17:9 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi There will come many opportunities that can make us go back from believing in God. It could be tribulations, trials, unanswered prayers and many more. We must daily seek the grace and encouragement not to go back. Has Jesus become a friend to you? Have… Continue reading Jesus as a Friend

We Are Not Like Them

March 21st, 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Romans 12:1-3 It is clear that most of us (believers) are blind to who we are, what we have and what has been made available to us as children of God. We are oblivious of the simple truth that we are not like the unbelievers. It is… Continue reading We Are Not Like Them

Maximizing your potentials in the Lord(2)

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30th March, 2021 Minister: Pastor (Mrs.) Bola Osanyinbi The Lord has given everyone of us privileged opportunity to work and serve as the Lord Jesus did. In Ephesians 4:7-10, we see there is a fullness of Christ that all of us needs to come into. Further in Ephesians 4:13, our services should be for the… Continue reading Maximizing your potentials in the Lord(2)


Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Luke 21:34-39 14th March, 2021 One of the two Greek words used for ‘watching’ is Archmorium which means to be circumspect or pay attention to happenings around us. It is very important for us to develop the capacity to scan things and happenings around us. The end times started the… Continue reading  Watching