29th August 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Have you often wondered what the key to success or having a breakthrough is? Maybe you have sometimes wondered how you can live a victorious life according to the plan of God. Yes, God has indeed given us everything that we need to become what He wants us… Continue reading The Implications of your Thought
Author: Admin
The Power of His Presence
15th August 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Looking through the scriptures, one of the most powerful thoughts has to do with God’s presence. God has promised us His presence here on Earth and it is something we should cherish till eternity. Your salvation is all about His presence; about returning to God. It is not… Continue reading The Power of His Presence
8th August 2021 Text: 2 Chronicles 16:7-9 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Asa conquered the armies who rose to fight against him because he trusted solely in God for help but when he chose to rely on his power, he got conquered by the enemy. There is no battle too great to be conquered when you… Continue reading TRUSTING IN GOD
25th July 2021 Text: 2 Timothy 4:12 Minister: Pastor (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi As Children of God, our ultimate gain is eternal life. We must therefore seek to live out this life as admonished in 2 Timothy 2:14. If we cannot do this, our existence would be useless. From Jeremiah 13:5-7, we could see how the… Continue reading Profiting
The Business of our Lives
18th July 2021 Text: Genesis 2:15 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi We were created to work and that work has to be meaningful. When God put Adam in the garden, He gave him a mandate to till the land. This means that God expected him to work. Our lives cannot be meaningful when we do not… Continue reading The Business of our Lives