The Privilege of Having Access into God’s Presence

10th October 2021 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi One of the major things that the New Testament did for us is that it granted us access into the presence of God. Without access, nothing would ever be accomplished. Everything about our lives revolves around His presence. Without God’s presence, there is no hope because His presence… Continue reading The Privilege of Having Access into God’s Presence

The Kingdom Life (Part 4)

5th October 2021 Minister: Pst Bola Bello The prophetic is one stream of ministry that is slippery yet it is the most sought for. Taking a close look at the Scripture, it will be observed that the prophetic exists from Genesis to Revelation. Hence, it is important to know what the Scripture says so that… Continue reading The Kingdom Life (Part 4)

The Kingdom Life (Part 3)

September 28th, 2021 Ministering: Pst Bola Bello What makes the difference between believers in Christ and others in the world is the capacity to hear the voice of the Spirit. The kingdom life is about hearing the voice of the Spirit. We enjoy the kingdom when we can hear and understand the speaking of the… Continue reading The Kingdom Life (Part 3)

The Kingdom Life (Part 2)

21st September 2021 Ministering: Pst. Bola Bello The kingdom life has a lot of elements, all of which must be experienced if we must enjoy that life to the fullest. To fully exhibit all that the kingdom life entails, we must have a sound understanding of life itself. Before the church can effectively utilize her… Continue reading The Kingdom Life (Part 2)

The Hope of His Calling

19th September 2021 Text: Ephesians 1:16-22 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello No sane person does anything without a specific expectation. Likewise, God has a hope for calling us unto Himself and we must understand that conversion is just an introduction into the real calling. The hope is beyond waiting to have a resurrected body or living… Continue reading The Hope of His Calling

The Kingdom Life

14th September 2021 Minister: Pst. Bola Bello According to Psalm 145:9-13, the making known of God’s glorious majesty is a life on its own and this majesty of the kingdom is supposed to be reflected through the saints. A major tool in achieving this is praise. Praise is an excitement that can come from the… Continue reading The Kingdom Life

Showing Gratitude 

2010, Opening night

12th September 2021 Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-6 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Paul admonished Timothy on things he would begin to see in the end times; things that are now presently being experienced. The perilous times which Paul spoke about has come and some of the happenings attributed to that time are wickedness, men being lovers… Continue reading Showing Gratitude 

Kingdom Life (Part 4)

6th October 2021 Minister: Pst Bola Bello The prophetic is one stream of ministry that is slippery yet it is the most sought for. Taking a close look at the scriptures, it will be observed that the prophetic exists from Genesis to Revelation, hence it is important to know what the scriptures say so that… Continue reading Kingdom Life (Part 4)

The Second Coming of Christ (Part 2)

31st August 2021 Ministering: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi There are different schools of thought on the second coming of Christ: Pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post-tribulation. One sure thing is that the church is going to see Jesus when He returns whether it takes place before, during or after the tribulation. Just like the days of Noah, the… Continue reading The Second Coming of Christ (Part 2)