[biblegateway passage=”JOB 7:3-7″ display=”JOB 7:3-7″]; [biblegateway passage=”ROMANS 8:28″ display=”ROMANS 8:28″]; [biblegateway passage=”LUKE 1:37″ display=”LUKE 1:37″]

Wearisome nights are nights when one wishes that the day breaks early enough. They are nights of grief and helplessness. They come in the times of trouble and tribulations. We should count it all joy when we go through wearying nights because they are testimonials to the fact that the day will soon break. When Job’s wearisome nights got over, he was better than his best ever before.

When sea men are caught up in storms, they are in desperate situations. They go as far as despairing for life but more often than not they come out of storms stronger and wiser than they entered them. Job was a type and shadow of the Christ. His flesh was clothed with worms and clods of dust. However, he emerged victorious conquering evil. In the same way, death was swallowed up in victory by Christ.

Hopelessness talks about impossibilities and difficulties but like Paul we should know God enough to be convinced that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. The bleak and dreary nights are preparation times for the glorious days ahead. There is no impossibility in God. If He makes a promise, it should be considered done. Once something is God’s will, impossibility is not an option. Nothing can stand against that which God wants done.

The surest source of comfort is God. If we can lean on Him in the midst of turbulence we will scale through brilliantly and people around us will wonder how we were able to make it. We must believe in the integrity of God’s word always. We must know that His words are infallible. His promises are yes and amen.

Denying God in the time of tribulation is not a solution. When we turn our backs on God our problems are compounded rather than being resolved. To forget God is to go into oblivion. To forget God is to be sentenced to a life of misery and dissatisfaction.

A convincing knowledge of God is a  recurring factor in the lives of those who get through hards times unscathed. Job affirmed the fact that he knew that his redeemer was alive. Paul was confident that all things worked together for good for the lovers of God and the called according to His purpose. To find hope in the midst of hopelessness, we need to know our God in whom we have believed.

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