24TH APRIL 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Hebrews 12:14 If our expectation is truly to see the Lord, then it is important to give more attention to living a life of holiness. God is above all, He has the final say over every matter or situation of our lives. It is therefore pertinent for… Continue reading Holiness
The Resurrection Power

17th April, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Romans 8:10, 11 The acceptance of the testimony that Jesus died and rose from the dead is required for salvation. As we journey towards God, there is a need to grow to acquire the Spirit of resurrection. Every activity of God is to annihilate death; since death comes… Continue reading The Resurrection Power
The Riches and Glory of His Kingdom
12TH APRIL 2022 Minister: Pst. Dele Olubi The centre of the Scripture is Christ. Everything that God ever did and will ever do has been revealed in Christ. Christ is the summary of what God said, is saying or will say. Psalm 97:1-12; 30:12; 57:8; 108:1 Christ is the only example that we have of… Continue reading The Riches and Glory of His Kingdom
We are Christ’s Sceptres

10TH APRIL, 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello Text: Genesis 49:9 The major problem of the church is lack of proper definition of what we stand for. We have not properly understood what our needs and responsibilities are. It is very important to know what God calls us so that we can function properly. Not knowing… Continue reading We are Christ’s Sceptres
The Glory of the Kingdom

29TH MARCH 2022 Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi We can find scattered information across the Scripture about the glory of God’s Kingdom. Moses was summoned to the mountain, shown the picture of God’s temple in its glory and asked to replicate what he saw on the earth. Isaiah 6:1-7; Psalms 145:11; Daniel 4:36 When we talk… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom
The Coming of Christ

27TH MARCH, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Last time, we talked about the wrath of God and a bit on the study of the end times from the book of Revelation. The book contains the revelation of the person of Jesus, His agenda and how the end is going to play out. Everything that was… Continue reading The Coming of Christ
The Glory and the Riches of the Kingdom

22ND MARCH, 2022 Minister: Pst. Seyi Osanyinbi Text: 2 Corinthians 3 Paul compares the glory of the Old Testament with the glory of the New Testament showing that they are not the same and that they were never designed to be the same. One would assume that there can never be another glory like that… Continue reading The Glory and the Riches of the Kingdom
Expressions of Glory and Riches

19TH APRIL 2022 Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu Text: Revelation 5:11, 12 “Everything we do either in the Spirit or the flesh is basically for glory.” – Pastor Bola Bello “We were made for glory and people go through different means to seek it. You can either go to the cross or bow to the Devil.”… Continue reading Expressions of Glory and Riches
The Wrath of God

13TH MARCH, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 The Second Coming of Jesus and our gathering together unto Him are events that will happen at the same time; Jesus will come and we will all be gathered unto Him. The day of His coming is referred to as the Day of the Lord… Continue reading The Wrath of God
The Transforming Glory

8TH MARCH, 2022 Ministering: Pst. Joshua Akinsusi Topic: The Transforming Glory From the beginning, the man was crowned with glory and honour (Psalm 8:4-5, Romans 3:15). There is a strong association between man and glory. The man fell from the status of glory when he fell into sin. Fallen men still have glory but the… Continue reading The Transforming Glory