TUESDAY, 7TH JUNE 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello God is always intentional about our being saved in order to come into His glory. Unfortunately, we don’t know the kind of glory we are to manifest. The first man, Adam, didn’t ride exotic cars yet he manifested the glory of God. God’s intentionality about man coming… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Bola Bello
The Rules of Righteousness

TUESDAY, 31ST MAY 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello Text: Romans 3:19ff Truly, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but atonement brought man back to a right standing with God such that he can put on the glory again. However, there are rules of righteousness and obedience to these rules brings… Continue reading The Rules of Righteousness

29TH MAY, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Genesis 22:2 Our relationship with God is transactional. It is not always about God doing something for us, we must also imbibe the culture of bringing something to the table. His demands on us are doable; they are not beyond us especially because we always have His… Continue reading Giving
The Glory of the Kingdom by Pastor Bola Bello

24th May 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello We are not bereft of the word of God but we often fail to internalize and act on what we hear. The basic reality of redemption is to bring man back to glory. Hence, there is a need for us to understand the essence of redemption. Romans 3:21-23… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom by Pastor Bola Bello
The Sabbath Rest

22nd May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi The whole program of God is to bring us into the Sabbath rest. The Sabbath rest is a mystery and the first time we saw it was when God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Why did God have to rest since He… Continue reading The Sabbath Rest
The Glory of the Kingdom (Part 2) Pastor Olusola Ogidan

17th May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Olusola Ogidan Colossians 1:23-28 The mystery that was once hidden is now made plain to us because of Jesus Christ. As such, there are gaps in our lives that have to be filled with the secret things God has manifested to us. We are sanctified once the Holy Spirit indwells… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom (Part 2) Pastor Olusola Ogidan
The Place of Initiatives in Faith

15th May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Faith is not passive; a person doesn’t just have faith by coming to church. Many of us have great ideas but only few have enough creativity to take initiative to actualise their dreams. We have different people in scriptures that took initiative and God referred to it as… Continue reading The Place of Initiatives in Faith
The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Olusola Ogidan

10th May, 2022 Minister: Pastor Olusola Ogidan Colossians 1:23-28 God had been speaking since the beginning but Paul had a feeling that he was commissioned to fill whatever gap was left of the things that God wanted to administer to His people. That means we will be short-changed if we ignore Paul’s message. Our anticipation… Continue reading The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Olusola Ogidan
The Movement of the Holy Spirit (Anniversary Sunday)

8th May, 2022 Minister: Elder Tunde Adesida Text: Acts 6:1-4 A time of celebration is a time of reflection, a time of evaluation. It is a time to look at the past and the present and see what the Lord will have for us in the future and eternity. Only thoughtful people appreciate God most;… Continue reading The Movement of the Holy Spirit (Anniversary Sunday)
Expressions of Glory and Riches (Part 2)

TUESDAY, 26TH APRIL 2021 Minister: Pastor Emmanuel Dansu Text: Revelation 5:11-12 Glory and riches are expressed in light (brightness), abundance (affluence), weight (influence and responsibility), majesty (breathtaking royalty). We turn our focus on riches in this study. Riches in the sense of the Old Testament is basically about material abundance, sufficiency, treasure and wealth. Other… Continue reading Expressions of Glory and Riches (Part 2)