27TH FEBRUARY, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Matthew 24 In continuation of the teaching of the second coming of Jesus, we will now consider some of the signs of the end times as revealed in the Scripture. The Apostles, the Prophets and the Book of Revelation tell us a lot about the signs of the… Continue reading The Signs of the End Times
The Second Coming of Jesus
20TH FEBRUARY, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi 2 Peter 3:3-14 The message of the second coming of Jesus is becoming scarce in our churches nowadays. Many preachers no longer talk about it as often as they should. This should not be because it is one of the foundations upon which God’s reward system is based.… Continue reading The Second Coming of Jesus
The Dry Bones Can Live Again
30th January, 2022 Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10 There is no one that has never experienced the valley of dry bones. It will always happen one way or the other and it is for us to know the Lord God and see how He deals with our problems. The bones in the Book… Continue reading The Dry Bones Can Live Again
23RD JANUARY, 2022 Minister: Pastor Bola Bello Text: Genesis 41:29-35 Witnesses are very important in all that we do, especially when God is asking us to tread new paths. Church is a place of information; a place where we learn the things God is doing on the surface of the Earth. God has never done… Continue reading Preparation