Covenants and Prosperity – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Text: Genesis 8:22

Covenants do not respond to seasons, the Earth does. Since our God operates outside of time and we are His children, we must understand that our prosperity does not depend on the season. God does not need the changing seasons of this world to orchestrate our prosperity. It is His will to bless us but we must stop depending on the seasons of this world. Covenants make the impossible possible; it is God’s way of making us wealthy. The only caveat is we must follow the principles that guide the covenant. One such principle is the principle of sowing and reaping. If you do not sow, you cannot reap, and vice versa.

Proverbs 30:24-28
Everything in creation carries a message for mankind because God hid wisdom in them. The ant is a typical example of such a creature (Proverbs 6:6-8). Like the ant, you should not wait to be pushed before doing the right thing. Know what to do in the right season and how to do it. Ants work in a colony to achieve their common goal. This is a wisdom that is lacking in many people today; even believers. Many do not know how to take initiative; they would rather depend on others than take a step of faith in the right direction. Learn to take responsibility. Plan your life. Set structures in place. Do these things now that you have the time.

The locust is another creature to learn from. The locust appreciates association. For us to walk in prosperity, we must learn and build trust. Many believers do not support one another because we have not subjected one another to the test of trust. We must learn from the locust and understand that wherever God places us in life is primarily for the brethren and we should not deprive them of that benefit.

Proverb 30:28
We must also find a way to get to the peak of our profession. There is no nobility in staying at a low estate. We must embrace a desperate spirit. Being desperate will help awaken our adventurous spirit. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious but all that is necessary is to do it with common sense. God cannot hand over to us our true riches because we cannot handle authority. You must also prepare yourself for the day of your announcement. The time is coming when your manifestation will be announced; do not forfeit it for your lack of preparation.

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