Calling to the fullness of Christ; The Gift – Pastor Joshua Akinsusi


Minister: Pastor Joshua Akinsusi

Text: Ephesians 3;14-19; 4:1-6

The Gift
The moment we accept God’s call of love, we become a member of His kingdom. Part of the package that comes with accepting Christ is the gift that He gives to everyone. This gift is given in measures. However, these gifts are given for the benefit of all. The same way individuals have been called is the same way individuals have been given a gift but both the calling and the gifting are meant for the profiting of the saints. No calling or gifting can function properly outside the body. A gift that cannot find expression in the body cannot be fully manifested.

John 4:10
It is pertinent that we know the gift of God. Knowing this gift will propel action in us. Not until the woman knew the gift Jesus had for her that she ran to call others. The essence of the gift is so we can use it to edify others in the body and bring those outside the body into the body. This is an accurate manifestation of the gift. Meanwhile, we must be careful not to go outside the measure of our gifting. For instance, Paul was sent to the Gentiles while Peter was sent to the Jews and neither of them went outside of their boundaries except by instruction from God. We should however, not forget that everybody is involved in the perfecting of the body, doing the work of the ministry, and the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:4). Ananias was involved in the early calling of Paul.

As explained in Ephesians 4:16, the operation of the church is likened to the operation of the human body. In the same way, no part of the human body bears its pain alone, the church is expected to bear one another’s pain. Each part of the body is to supply according to its measure so that all parts can form a whole.

Numbers 8:14-19; 18:6-7
More than spiritual giftings, God also gave men as gifts to us. The Old Testament patriarchs are gifts to us. Jesus, Himself is made a gift for us. The essence of this is so we can through their lives and testimonies fully manifest what God has placed in us.

Romans 12:3-8; 1 Peter4:10-11
It is important that we understand our assignment (calling) and the resources (giftings) that come with it. Our failure to understand them will only bring confusion. It is when we understand them that we will understand how to minister to them.

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