Knowing the Fatherly Traits of God – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Sunday Service
Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Matthew 5: 45
Much information is made available to us about God as our Father. One of the ways to know Him is by looking at the kind of children He birthed. Our God is so perfect that He does not discriminate in showing favour to men. Our level of maturity is what determines how we relate with those who are undeserving of God’s favour yet receive it. Like God, we ought to value everyone equally not minding their status or qualification. Consequentially, we do good to all men especially those of the household of faith.

2 Corinthians 6: 14
While we go about doing good to all men, we must be careful not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. While some unbelievers can be more devoted than most believers, this is not a justification for us to be yoked with them. We must be able to distinguish between righteousness and devotion. Righteousness is the nature of our Father and if He dwells in us, we must separate ourselves from evil, sin, and everything unclean including wrong teachings and wrong belief systems. We must come out from the world if we must enjoy the fatherhood nature of God.

Matthew 6:1
Doing good is in the very nature of God and as God’s children, we must resemble our Father in doing good. This way, the world will see our good work and glorify our Father in heaven. Meanwhile, we should bear in mind that for every good we do, a reward always awaits us. God is always eager to reward our deeds whether good or bad. Our responsibility is to obey God’s Word and do as we are instructed.

Mathew 7: 7 – 9, Luke 11: 13
As our Father, God gave us His Spirit as a gift. As far as Jesus is concerned, the ultimate expression of good is the Holy Spirit. It is Him who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. In essence, we can do nothing except we are enabled by the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2: 12 – 14
The whole essence of God is too complex for us to understand. What makes Him God are not those things we see but the things inside of Him. The Spirit is one of such things and He is so gracious to share Him with us. It is the Spirit that searches His depth and reveals to us. What a precious gift!

God intends to give to us many things but if we do not appreciate the little He has given, we may not get the big things. When we reject the deep things of God, our spiritual journey in life will be limited. If we are carnally minded and mind only the things we can see, then we might never have these things of God. If we ask for the things He wants to give us freely, heaven will respond and quickly bring answers.

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