Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Diorthosis Convention 2022 Day 4
Message II
Ministering: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi
Text: 1 John 2:12
Knowing our sins have been forgiven us as God’s children, we also need to know the place of grace in forgiveness. It was grace that initiated the process of our salvation. At the point of acceptance, we were forgiven still on the premise of grace. The Old Testament operated through the law but the New Testament operates by the principle of grace. In the Old Testament, we know of judgment; in the New Testament, we need to come to the throne of grace. When we come, we must first ask for mercy to receive grace. We must never forget that we have an advocate in Heaven with the father should we sin.
In 1 Corinthians 4:15, Paul corrected the impression of the Corinthian Church about the concept of fathers. It was their attitude to regard everyone who had an influence on them as father. Paul corrected this opening their eyes to the difference between instructors and fathers. For Paul, honouring a person because they influenced your life at one point or the other is different from having someone stick with you until Christ is formed in you. While we can/should have many instructors, we can only have a few fathers who labour on us until Christ is formed in us (1 John 2:13).
Anointing is not enough to be a father, you need knowledge. According to 1 John 2:12-14, fathers know He, who is from the beginning. There is a manifestation of God as a Father and there is another manifestation of Him as He who is from the beginning (1 John 1:3, John 1:1). Being able to know and differentiate these two requires great knowledge. When you know He who is from the beginning there is a way you will sit back and know that He has everything in control. Knowing Him who is from the beginning makes a difference between a child and a father. You have no right to call anyone your father if you do not share a close relationship.
1 John 5:7
There is an aspect of the Holy Spirit that we are yet to fully understand, and that is the anointing. Except we come into the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, growing into the fullness of Christ may be difficult.
Romans 8:10-11
Jesus, being the last Adam, walked on the shores of Galilee. This is an example of the manifestation that the first Adam would have seen. Unfortunately, he was cheated out of this privilege. Thankfully, God sent Christ, the last Adam so that this privilege might be restored. As such, the righteousness that God requires is to become like the resurrected Christ. This is the perfection that we are headed for. This looks like an impossible military operation just like what God demanded from the children of Israel. This agenda is never designed to be achieved by human power. The Church will come into the mature stature of Christ when she understands this and keys into the process of birthing this promise. Every part of the whole is expected to come to maturity.
There was a life flowing through the veins of Paul that was powerful enough to have killed a snake. That life extinguishes death and is thus stronger than the venom of the snake. This is the kind of life that God wants us to live and it is the responsibility of fathers to use wisdom and authority to bring men into this path and help them align with God’s agenda.

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