Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Pastor Bola Bello

Diorthosis Convention 2022 Day 3
Message I
Ministering: Pastor Bola Bello
Text: Ephesians 4:11-14; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 1:8
Governmental offices are not commercial positions, this is why it is not given to all. It is a rare privilege.
Adam was not the exact image of God; Jesus was. Jesus is the quickening Spirit that came to make man just like God. So, Jesus commissioned five offices through which He expresses Himself. We must be able to recognize them so that we can have the fullness of Christ. There is a need for us to know what the emphasis of Christ is.
The Church is a School of the Spirit meant to bring us into a transformed life. The Church is a place where members should be transformed through teachings, instructions, and impartations. When we are transformed, we are expected to have a similar impact on others. Sadly, many do not impact others. Nonetheless, we continue to make adjustments until the exact image of God is realized in us (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Mark 16:15-16
When man rebelled against God, creation also rebelled against him and he lost hold of the dominion that was given to him in the beginning. However, when we come into the fullness of Christ, we will have the same governmental authority over creation just as Adam had initially.
One of the things the fivefold offices will achieve is the unity of faith; unity here means having similar emphasis. We will know we have achieved the unity of faith when believers all over the world begin to have the mind of Christ. With continuous ministration and impartation by the fivefold ministries, the unity of faith can be achieved.

Another thing the fivefold ministries will do for the Church is to bring men into the knowledge of the Son of God. Many of us know Jesus of Nazareth but we do not know who the resurrected Christ is. These ministry gifts will reveal Christ to us. As we have the privilege of being able to stay here on Earth and still navigate through the heavens, the knowledge of the Son of God is what will bring us closer to God. This knowledge is not just mental assent to a fact but the recognition of the reality of Christ; it is acquired through revelation.
Finally, the ministry gifts are commissioned to bring us to perfection. To come to perfection is to come into maturity. It means not to be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. Coming to perfection is analogous to acquiring the fullness of Christ.

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