Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – Pastor (Mrs) Bola Osanyinbi

Diorthosis Convention Day 2
Evening Session
Message I

Minister: Pastor (Mrs) Bola Osayinbi
Like in all things, the beginning is not the only thing that matters; good finishing is also important in our journey to fullness. All the prophecies concerning Christ came to fulfillment no matter how long they took. Even now, prophecies are still being fulfilled.
Fullness shows that there is an overflow of life. It means there is no vacuum and this is what has been prepared for us in Christ. It is essential that we turn to God, take up what He has prepared for us, grow and come to perfection. God poured Himself into Christ (Colossians 2:9-12) so that Christ can, in turn, be poured into us. Thus, as His ambassadors, we have only one will and this will is to represent Christ on earth.
As ambassadors, we need to be perfected in all ways. We should grow up by reason of knowledge and of God’s will. When we come closer in our relationship with God, we will come to the richness of who Christ is. Personal growth in the Lord is very essential. No one is condemned except they fail to receive the love of God (John 3:16-18).
Growing in the knowledge of God’s love is a personal thing. However, since Jesus has seen and known all that God is (John 3:31-32), He is interested in handing over to whoever believes in Him in full measure. While the giftings of the Spirit are in a measure, the Spirit of God is not in measure.
Ephesians 4:8,10
God desires that we come into the full stature of Christ. This is why He introduced Christ to us (John 17:2-7,9-11,17). The focus of Christ’s fullness is for all to come together and be one. The unity of faith is perfection and true growth.
John 1:14
Once we believe in Jesus, we have the needed power and authority to become sons who can come into His fullness. Not coming into fullness means we are belittling the efficacy of the power we have been given.
As sons, we have the privilege of always coming boldly to the throne of grace. This helps us to be established and not tossed around by every wind of doctrine.

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