Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – What is the Christ – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

Diorthsis Convention Day 2
Morning Session
Message II

Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi
Topic: What is the Christ?
Text: Ephesians 4:1-13

One of the major problems with the Church today is the problem of wrong goalposts. People are often sold the wrong finish lines and false hopes. Another major problem is the trivialization of the fivefold offices. In the Old Testament, you don’t enter an office you are not called into but the grace we have in the New Testament has been bastardized.

Throughout the Old Testament, what made some men different from other men was the anointing. In the New Testament, this anointing has been replaced with the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, we do not understand what has been given to us and so we cannot come to the fullness of Christ.

If the church will come into her fullness, she has to reckon with her resurrection. The promise of defeating death can only be activated by faith; it is not automatic.
Jesus has ascended far above the heavens. We do not know what is embedded in the heavens but physicists claim that there are multidimensional heavenly realms. The heavens are authority structures and Jesus was exalted far above them so He might fulfill all things.

Many leaders in the church do not seem to understand what their roles are. The gifts Jesus gave were to make the church measure up to the full stature of Christ. It is a very tall order which cannot be accomplished in the flesh. God needs to open our eyes so we can know what this means or else we will not be able to actualize it.

Becoming Sons of God is not possible without the help of the Holy Spirit (John 1:12). Thus, we cannot continue to run our lives based on earthly principles (Romans 8:13); we need to learn from Daniel. The leading of the Spirit is to help us know things we should know. The purpose of this leading is to make us become like Christ. The Spirit is leading us to a place where we will have our mortal bodies mortified so that we can attain unto the fullness of Christ.

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