Diorthosis 2022 – The Fullness of Christ – The Mystery of God’s Will for man – Pastor Bola Bello



Text: Ephesians 1:8,9

God has purposed in His heart right from the foundation of the world to reveal the mystery of His will to man. While this will has been limited to the four walls of the Church, it is meant for the whole of mankind. Unfortunately, man keeps searching for the mystery of God and is not bothered to seek the will of God for his life.
Proverb 25:2
The mystery of the will of God for man cannot be found anywhere except in Christ. This is where it has been revealed. It is when men come to Christ that they will understand the mystery of God.
Jesus is the expression of God’s fullness. He did not just attain this fullness in a day; it took years. Just as it took Jesus years to attain and unravel the mystery of God, we cannot understand the mystery of God’s will for us in one day. Unlike Adam who failed the test to understand the mystery of God and come to the fullness of God, Christ passed through all temptations and trials that any man can pass through (1 Corinthians 15:45). His victory qualified Him to be called the Son of God.
Philippians 2:5-9
Despite having the form of God, it took discipline for Christ to walk in the power of God. He was not puffed up; rather, He humbled Himself. Like Him, we should learn discipline if we must understand and fulfil the will of God for our lives.
God desires to raise many sons like Christ. This is why He calls us to understand the mystery of His will. When we behold Christ’s face, we are changed into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18). This is God’s original intention for man: that we be like Christ. It is only when we have been changed into His image that we can enjoy the blessings of heaven. This is the mystery of God’s will. No man can successfully journey through life without understanding the mystery of God’s will for his life

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