The Calling of God – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi


Minister: Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

It is inbuilt in man to want to leave a lasting legacy. Man has achieved great feats that are simply mind-blowing. Beyond the kind of things we like to achieve, God is always looking for men to send into the vineyard so that we can be his witnesses all over the world.

Matthew 20:1, Luke 19:12
In every generation, God is always on the lookout for men to employ into His work and He is never tired of recruiting but the most important thing to Him is our response. He might reach out to many people at a time and they might choose to respond to his calling or reject it.

Although God is in dire need of men, we must know that He has His specifications for the kind of people He wants. He is interested in men who will be committed to serving and establishing His will on the surface of the earth. You cannot be recognised as God’s servant until you relinquish your personal interests and willingly embrace His plans and instructions.

1 Corinthians 1:26,27
God does not call foolish men. However, he calls those who are regarded by the world as foolish. The wisdom of God is often foolish to natural men. God does not call foolish men and women but He calls those who the world reckon as foolish. He does this to confound the wise people of the world.

Romans 8:28
All things working together for good is not for all men. It is only for those who walk according to His purpose, those who have found His purpose and are committed to doing it.

There are two components of Jesus’ ministration to us: He is Saviour and He is Lord. The Saviour side of Him comes with welfare, healing, deliverance, etc. and so it is very convenient. On the other hand, Jesus’ Lordship comes with us submitting our will to Him. As Lord, we have to submit our wills to Him; He can direct us to places that are not pleasant. We need to embrace these two dimensions of Saviour and Lord to be proper followers of Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:21
There are vessels for honourable use and there are vessels for dishonourable use. God uses everybody but our responses most times define if our services unto Him will be reckoned as honourable or dishonourable.

There are vessels prepared and kept in reserve that might not be seen or known. However, such vessels still stay under Him preparing for service and they are regarded as honourable. God’s calling is not time or age bound and only God knows why He is reserving those He has chosen to reserve and when He wants them to manifest.

Romans 12:1
The utmost importance of our calling is to present ourselves to God as living sacrifices for a reasonable service unto God. In presenting ourselves to God, we must be ready to make ourselves available for every of His assignments and be committed to obeying every of His command.

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