Lessons from Cana – Pastor Dele Olubi



Minister: Pastor Dele Olubi

Text: John 2:1-11

It is good to consider John 2 because that is where it is recorded that the glory of Jesus began to manifest.

Why would Jesus choose a wedding ceremony to begin to reveal his glory? Let us not forget that in Noah’s days people were wining, dining and giving in marriage. Marriage has been that important to mankind and Jesus really valued that. In addition, the infilling of the Spirit is not just for your bedroom. We have to engage the world with it in order to show forth God’s glory.

In John 17:22, Jesus said He had given His disciples the glory the Father gave Him. How did He transfer the glory? That statement is a culmination of what Jesus had been doing with the disciples before then. The handing over of glory took place as those men followed and learnt of Him.

The mother of Jesus knew who Jesus was that was why she went to tell Him that wine had finished. She had to call on Him to do something. She also told the people around to do whatever Jesus instructed them to do. She was that sure of Jesus’ capacity.

John 2:3. The world has got no wine. The wine the world has is not wine. There is always that vacuum in man which only the Holy Spirit can fill. Any other thing we try to fill it with cannot stand the test of time. The miracle Jesus did was not just because people wanted wine; he was communicating something deep and that concerns the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 23:31-35 talks about the kind of wine the world gives, it does not satisfy. The wine of the world will always finish. As such, we must not be given to the transient things the world has to offer.

John 2:6. There were six water pots. Six is the number of man. God made man on the sixth day and He completed Creation on the sixth day. Have you ever looked at yourself to ask what God saw in you as a mere man with your weaknesses? You must not take your life as ordinary though you are a mere mortal. God has deposited something in you that makes you precious; that is the treasure in earthen vessels.

John 2:7. The pots were filled to the brim. We can be filled with the Holy Spirit at all times. We must stop seeing ourselves as average human beings. We need to ensure that we are full of the Spirit every time. The water pots were common vessels but they were blessings to people. We must not forget who we are and what God has designed us to do. People should thank God because of us as we are supposed to be blessings to them (John 4:14).

As unimportant as waterpots may seem, they were able to hold the water that turned to wine. This shows that we are useful to God even in our weaknesses. In addition, the pots knew their place and they did not take glory for the miracle. This is to tell us to remain humble no matter what God does through us. When people don’t mention or recognize what you did for them, you don’t have to be offended.

There is an infilling God has given to us and it must spread. Virtue must always flow from us to others. The Holy Spirit that fills us is capable of endless possibilities in God.

John 2:10. God reserves the best for the last. The world always puts their best feet forward only to show their true colour later. They serve the so-called good wine first and bring the bad one later. However, in the agenda of God, the best wine comes after men have exhausted their wine.

It is in operating in the supernatural that we show forth God’s glory. Though we look to men like ordinary and worthless people, the infilling of the Holy Spirit brings us into realms of glory that men cannot comprehend.

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