Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi
It is possible to go through the New Testament thinking the Apostles did not want us believers to be rich because they tended to speak more about the dangers of riches than getting rich itself.
The present world system as it is today is known as Babylon. Though we cannot operate the Babylonian system as it is, we need to operate within it on our own terms as dictated by God.
God put Adam in the garden to till the ground. However, the current system is driven by demand and supply as well as convenience. We are always looking for ways to make life more and more comfortable for ourselves.
Isaiah 48:17; Job 1:3; Ecclesiastes 5:9
God is not against our prosperity as believers. In fact, He is the one who teaches us how to profit. Job was rich before his trial and his wealth multiplied after the trial.
All the Old Testament saints that were rich had abundance of things that the earth produces, namely plants, animals, silver and gold. As things evolved, other things became sources of riches. The earth is still that important in the economy of the world today as we all depend on it.
Genesis 4:1,2,20-22
Apart from tilling the ground, some skill sets began to come to the surface like tent making, making of musical instruments, metal craftsmanship, etc.
God has given us the common factor of time and our personal choices will determine how much value we draw from our time.
Genesis 14:23; 15:1
God told Abraham to severe his ties from his father’s house so that he would be shown a way for making transgenerational wealth. All he basically needed to do was to walk before God and be perfect. As he did that, God increased him beyond what his enterprise could normally bring. Abraham’s covenant with God gives us a template for making wealth beyond the material.
When Isaac came on the scene, he had to till the ground. With God’s blessing, he achieved an unusual harvest even in the time of drought. Though we already have the blessing of God, we need to put in the required work. The birthright which is the blessing of the Holy Ghost was preserved in the lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his twelve sons because they maintained their covenant with God.
Comparing Jacob, who had the birthright, and Esau, it would look like Esau was more blessed. That is the challenge we have today when we see that the unbelievers seem to be more blessed than us. We need to understand that the birthright is worth more than any material wealth we can ever acquire.
For the blessing of God to remain in our lineage, we must enter into and maintain a covenant with God by following Jesus.
When Israel left Egypt, God blessed them with the silver and the gold of the Egyptians. As their journey progressed, they fell into the trap of worshipping the works of their hands when they bowed to the golden calf. To worship the work of our hands is to pay more attention to our achievements or to think we have achieved those things by our own power.
Genesis 14:18-20
The issue of tithe predates the Law as it started with the encounter between Abraham and Melchizedek. This led to unprecedented blessings in the life of Abraham. It is a principle of the Spirit that we honour God with the best part of our substance. To be blessed is to be empowered and that requires an interplay of many factors including tithing, treating the poor right, being diligent, etc.
We do not know what Melchizedek did with Abraham’s tithe but in the time of Aaron, it was clear that the tithe was meant to take care of the priests and the needy. There is no worship without material substance. In fact, our heart devotion can be seen in what we expend most of our resources on.
Daniel 12:4
We are now in the season where people sell knowledge because there is an outburst of knowledge and it is already going digital. The nature of trade is changing rapidly; wealth is no longer measured by what you own. We have now come into an economy where we can make wealth without necessarily producing anything; it is all about knowledge.
We should be like Nehemiah who was building the Lord’s house while fighting off the enemies at the same time. The Holy Spirit who comes upon us to anoint us is the same we need for material prosperity.
It is better to go the Holy Spirit way of being prosperous because the blessings of the Lord make rich without adding sorrow. When the devil blesses you, it comes with a lot of heartache.
According to God’s promise, whatever our hands find to do will prosper. We just need to ensure that we do not engage in illegitimate and immoral enterprises. The Holy Spirit will bless us beyond all imaginations if we can know how to place a demand on Him for our undertakings. We need divine wisdom to trade and make profit in this hostile world.
Romans 11:15
Being grafted into Christ is a sure pathway to prosperity. It is pitiful that most of us have limited our Christianity to having anointing alone. We need to activate our covenant, which is more superior to the covenant of the world, in order to exert influence over the earth. It is not God’s fault if you die a pauper with your anointing.
That we have been grafted into the vine automatically qualifies us to benefit from the it. Unfortunately, that covenant of prosperity God made with the Israelites isn’t working for us. The covenant will only work for those who abide by its demands. We have a covenant that gives us access to the throne but we have not learned how to place demand on what we have been given. God does not bless an empty hand. It is either you have something that can be increased or something that can be given up to receive another.
What is it that you want to do? What is it that God has put in your heart to do? If you want real wealth, you need to come to that point where you enter a covenant with the Spirit of God. To enjoy the riches in this kingdom, there is a price to pay. While the demands of the Devil add sorrow, God’s system does not add sorrow. Yet, that is not to say that God’s demands are not stringent. For instance, you cannot work with the Holy Ghost and cheat. There are so much possibilities for us in God, all we need is to align with Him.