The Riches of God’s Kingdom IV: God’s Economic System



Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi

Many of the things we call wealth today are intangible; they are based on no substance at all and so they are fraudulent. In the Digital Age, we are moving into, everybody and everything can be tracked as a result of the Internet of Things (IoT). The age will usher in a new world order. Every new order emerges out of chaos mostly caused by humans.
Genesis 1:29-31; Psalm 50:10-12
Before God created man, he had provided everything he will ever need to thrive; it is in God’s nature to take care of His creation. Everything that greedy people are hoarding for themselves belong to God. That is why we will give account of everything that ever comes under our care. God demands worship from us as our Creator and Saviour. However, He does not need our praise for His sustenance.
When God created man, He wanted a replica on earth of what is in heaven. That is why the first request in the Lord’s prayer is “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. The system of heaven is designed to make Adam fulfill the agenda of God. When He stepped out of the Garden of Eden, he had to design another agenda for himself. The provision of heaven was for God’s glory to cover humanity but the moment they sinned, the glory disappeared. What created the system we are running now is the knowledge of good and evil which is not in accordance with God’s agenda.
Every kingdom has a king, citizens, an economic system, a health system, ambassadors, an army, etc. Everything we see in earthly kingdoms are types of God’s kingdom. As Jesus’ people, we are supposed to replicate the things of God in the heavenly places right here on earth.
We need to learn to live in this world without being of the world. Every citizen is expected to carry the culture of his country wherever he goes. Unfortunately, the world system is putting the back of believers to the ground. The challenge many of us confront is about how we can live in this world without being influenced by it.
As heaven-minded people, we are not supposed to be bounded by the ungodly cultures of the earth. Many believers cannot understand how to relate with this earthly realm without getting sucked in by the knowledge of good and evil which is based on experiments.
When God made Adam, He told him to work by tiling the ground and God never altered that even after the fall though the land was cursed. When God brought Israel into a covenant with Him, their land was blessed as long as they obeyed his instructions.
Going through the history of mankind, God has always put in every man, skills with which they may work. This suggests that work is still important in the economy of God. We saw the demonstration of those skills in the building of Noah’s ark and the Tower of Babel. Painfully, many do not even know the skills they have.
Abraham was not known to be wealthy or particularly entrepreneurial until he began to walk with God. His seed capital seemed to be what he got from Egypt after the king tried messing with his wife. As Abraham continued to multiply in wealth, he did not forget God as his source and he never ceased to offer Him sacrifices of worship.
When Isaac came on the scene, he seemingly had nothing until we saw him sowing during a famine and he was greatly blessed by God. Isaac’s prosperity can only be traced to the birthright he got from Abraham, his father. Though Abraham was mainly into animal husbandry and Isaac was into cropping, they were greatly blessed because of their walk with God.
If we will always be on the same page with God, we will thrive in whatever we do against all odds. Nobody becomes anything in this world without the help of spirits. As God’s people, our sure bet is the Holy Spirit.
On getting to Esau and Jacob, Jacob got the birthright. At some point, Esau was seemingly doing far better than Jacob. In the same way, it may look like unbelievers are doing better than us based on some indices. However, we must be wise enough to know that we have a priceless treasure in our birthright.
Jacob had twelve children who began to run a system that has trickled down today. They continued with the ordinance of circumcision that set them apart from the rest of the world. With the coming of Jesus, we now have a circumcision that is of the heart.
God’s economic system is based on faith in Him to meet our various needs. It is also based on love which makes us share what we have freely with our brethren and others that come in contact with us.
The birthright is the Holy Spirit! He operated in the times of the patriarchs and he is still with us today in a far better dimension. It is pathetic that we have confined His operations to ministry alone. However, it is important to know that the Holy Spirit also runs God’s economic system. If we open our hearts to Him with the right expectation, He can teach us all things.
The world’s economic system is run based on ignorance: People take advantage of the ignorance of others to rip them off. In God’s economic system, we are not allowed to prey on others.
In ancient Israel, governance was done by Kings, Priests and Prophets. Of the three categories, provisions were made for the daily sustenance of only the kings and priests because their duties were really demanding. As such, the rest of the people were supposed to give a portion of their earnings to take care of the kings and priests. The people’s offerings were only accepted by God when it was well seasoned with salt. As an analogy, any service we render to God that is not motivated by the Holy Spirit is not acceptable.
Proverbs 3:5-7
Knowledge is information, understanding is comprehension and wisdom is proper execution. God expects us to lean on Him in every situation instead of trusting in what we can do.
In God’s economic system, we don’t things without considering God’s interest first. His interests dictate what we are permitted to do. Our operations are guided by God’s agenda and consideration for others around us.
When we know, acknowledge and rely on God in all things, He directs our paths. His guidance may look stupid to us and many people sometimes. However, we can never do better than what we will do with God leading the way.

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