The Riches of God’s Kingdom III – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi


26TH JULY 2022

Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi

You cannot be a kingdom person and operate by the principles of the world system. Many of us are just operating on a survival mode running after wealth in such a way that is counterproductive.
Every society has about five parameters that define it: Economy, Government, Family Units, Education and Religious Belief System. These five things are critical in determining if a society will move forward or not. It may be difficult to determine which is most important as they are intertwined. However, there are three other things that direct these five things: There are Values and Norms which are influenced by Religion. If the religion of a country is faulty, the values and norms will be faulty and this will affect their institutions. For societies that believe that whatever happens is an act of God, people tend to be irresponsible and lack capacity for accountability.
The world system is about the knowledge of good and evil. God created Adam and Eve and provided all they needed but the Devil brought the desire of wanting to find things out themselves. The world system is predicated on you finding out things by yourself and this is often heralded by fallen spirits.
Genesis 47:13-26; 1 Samuel 8:10-19
Before Joseph came on board in Egypt, the economy was run in a disorganised way. Pharaoh was probably not the only one that had the dreams he had but only he had Joseph to interprete the dreams.
In implementing the interpretation of his dream, Joseph introduced the idea of storing excess produce during the time of plenty so that they would still have food during famine. At some point in the process, money failed in Egypt (vs 16). We cannot afford to run our lives based on money because it cannot be trusted.
Along the line, Joseph acquired the whole land of Egypt save the land of the priests. The idea of taxation came on as Joseph took a fifth (20%) of what belonged to the people for Pharaoh. When everything fails, the only thing people will care about will be basic things like food and water.
In the midst of famines, nations that are prepared emerge strong and the nations that fail to prepare will be at their mercy. Egypt became a regional power because of their preparedness for hard times. The world system is designed for oppression.
An innocent man can establish a system and the Devil will take it over and run with it just like Joseph laid down a system and the Devil hijacked it until we got here today.
Babylon, in its might, annexed the rest of the world and extracted tax from various nations of the earth. They upped the game at some point by taking the best brains of other nations and changed their diet, education and way of life so that they could serve the empire. They set a precedence for colonisation which empires after them adopted.
Just like Babylon, the devil has colonised the world with all kinds of philosophies that make people unreachable by God.
A society without organized thinking and body of knowledge does not have significant economic value. The Roman Empire made roads that made road travel safe. It was also the empire that executed people by crucifixion. That was why it was proper for Jesus to come during the reign of the Romans.
In recent decades, the major economic ideas that hold sway are communism and capitalism. God has set times and seasons for the rising and falling of nations and we must know how to behave in each season.
Revelation 6:1-9
One of the horses has economic implications as it will unleash great drought and famine on the earth. After the Prince of Persia was dislodged in the realm of the spirit in Daniel’s time, it took about 100 years for it to be actualised on earth when Alexander the Great defeated the Persians. No nation becomes anything without the help of spirits

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