The Riches of His Kingdom II – Pastor Seyi Osanyinbi

19TH JULY 2022

Minister: Pastor Oluwaseyi Osanyinbi

The reason why most people don’t have money is that they don’t know how the world system is crafted. The worldly system is basically run by Lucifer and other fallen angels. Any system that man designs is doomed to fail.
The world’s economic system runs on demand and supply: Create scarcity somewhere and abundance elsewhere so that there will be a flow. Trade has come to stay in the operations of man.
In the days of Noah, people were buying and selling and they were prosperous even in the midst of their wickedness. People were wicked and rich. Spirits only operate on earth through the instrumentality of humans. For instance, the spirit of murder entered the earth through Cain.
God needed to raise a man like Abraham to institute a new order so that the world got divided into the Gentile Order and the Abrahamic Order.
Deuteronomy 32:8
After God confused humanity by dividing their language at the Tower of Babel. From their, the people of the world were fragmented and given portions. God gave Israel their portion as an alternate system to the system of the gentiles. That is why it is quite frustrating for God when the children of Israel walk in rebellion.
Deuteronomy 4:19
There are resources of the heaven above and resources of the earth beneath. They are all part of what God has designed for us to enjoy as riches. God gave us the sun, the moon and the stars to mark times and seasons. However, humanity was drawn to worship these elements that God created.
Proverbs 22:7
The world system makes some rich while making some poor. It is a deliberate system to keep some people needy and subservient. There have been series of evolutions in this satanic system. The devil has a plan and he is not static about his techniques.
God made a prophetic declaration about the end of Lucifer in Genesis 3:15. The devil knows the prophecy can only be realised through humans and so he has been in a fierce contest for the soul of man. He has taught man to be wicked by searing his conscience against God.
As believers, we need to know we are up against a satanic system and we have to always deploy our spiritual weapons of warfare.
Ezekiel 27:2-5,25
Tyre was one system that Satan built but as he was building it, God was destroying it. It was situated in a very strategic place that enhanced its commercial value but God pronounced its fall and that came to pass.
Daniel 2:1; 7
Babylon was a physical empire but it ended up having a spiritual significance till today. In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Babylon was the head of gold representing the purest form of gentile operations. As such, the whole world system today is laid on the foundation of Babylon. The empires became weaker and weaker as we had the Medo-Persian Empire, the Grecian Empire, the Roman Empire and so on. Nations build great armies so they can invade and plunder weaker nations.
The most powerful of nations today cannot withstand the shattering hit of the stone that comes from God. One key thing that runs the current world system is convenience. This came about as trade by barter was replaced by currencies as legal tenders. Today, the wise men of the world create wealth out of nothing.
Many people are poor because they are lured by the widespread system of consumption. To be rich, serious financial discipline and prudence are required. The poor keeps enriching the rich by being perpetual consumers.
Matthew 6:24
The most powerful angel that compares to God in terms of worship is mammon. It manifested in the wilderness as the Israelites bowed down to the golden calf. It appeared among the Israelites as they worshipped the works of their hands. Mammon has driven many people into covetousness. Its operations are seen in the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
People go into covenants and sell their souls just because they want to live in abundance and pleasure. Money is beyond paper; there is the spirit of mammon backing it. In order to have earthly riches, you either align with mammon or patiently wait on God for His wisdom.
Though the devil is seemingly having his way as the custodian of the earth, the Almighty God is supreme and He has the final say over the affairs of the earth. The best way to survive the world’s system is to follow God every step of the way.

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