The Blessedness of Adoption – Pastor Bola Bello

17th July 2022

Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

We do not come to terms with so many Christian realities today because they seem elusive. We are born to face challenges and we are deliberately positioned to see the power of God unfold through them. Our triumphs are testimonies for those who will experience similar things later in life.
Romans 8:12-15,23
The flesh goes beyond the concept of sin; it is a hindrance and limitation which continually besets us on a daily basis, making us forget our true identity. Until we recognize the truth that we are not debtors to the flesh, we will not be able to break away from its charm. We are not messengers of the flesh. If we live by the flesh, we would not be able to access things that are needed for life and godliness.
What killed people in the wilderness was the flesh. They chose to allow it dictate what life should be for them. The difference between a new creation and one who is not saved is recognizing that we are not obligated to live by the flesh. If we fail to be led by the Spirit, we will continue to be preys of the flesh living corruptible lives. The flesh is such a bondage.
It is important for us to understand that the concept of adoption is legal and transactional. The first example of adoption was when God brought His own begotten son (Jesus) to be adopted by a man (Joseph). Even though Jesus Christ was a father to Joseph in the spirit realm, He had to humble Himself to be adopted so that we can learn the concept of our being adopted into the family of God. If we do not understand this concept of earthly adoption, we cannot know what it is to be adopted by our Heavenly Father. We will not be able to walk as sons or daughters of God had Jesus not come in the flesh.
As a result of adoption by the Father, we have the same rights Jesus has with Him. So, Jesus can call us brethren because of the relationship we have with His Father.
We are children of God because of the finished work of Christ on the cross. This privilege gives us some leverage and advantage before God. The flesh doesn’t want us to come into true sonship as such it tries to deprive us of the reality of adoption. There is indeed a blessing in being adopted. God, as a Father, loves us unconditionally and chastises us when needed.
Ephesians 3:14-15
Sons of God do not disobey the voice of God; they live to please Him. There are two branches of God’s family- one in heaven and the other on earth. We are the family of God on earth; we represent Him in earthly affairs.
When we’re faced with challenges that seem to overwhelm us, we entertain fear. This should not be; our confidence should not be in what we can see now but rather in what is in God for us. Our challenges are temporary; they cannot last. We should not subject ourselves to what the flesh tells us because we are more than conquerors.
We have a defense and it is in God. We need to understand this truth and apply it to every exaggerated situation and circumstance so we can be victorious. The appropriation of who we are in Christ is what makes us overcome.

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