Youth Convention 2022-Responding Appropriately to Every Season-Rev. Ojo Gbadegesin

Youth Convention 2022
Theme: Times and Seasons
Day 2: Saturday 2nd July, 2022

Minister: Rev. Ojo Gbadegesin

Topic: Responding Appropriately to Every Season
1 Chronicles 12
David was anointed as king when Israel had no need of a king. As time went on, people began to see reasons to move to the camp of David leaving Saul because the hand of God was in it. Things began getting worse for David immediately he was anointed making it look like God didn’t anoint him.
When David’s season came, the same soldiers that were loyal to Saul started decamping to serve him. Loyalty changed because God was at work. God chose the Levites as a tribe in the nation of Israel so that they could be a link between God and man. Things were so wrong that the house of Aaron joined the soldiers to fight; this was unusual as they had a God-appointed responsibility of priesthood.
The tribe of Issachar supplied the least number of soldiers of all the tribes but there was a need for a nucleus group of strategists for the nation and they rose to the occasion. The men of Issachar took the lead because they understood times and seasons and knew what to do per time.
In Nigeria today, there are skilled men but there is a need for some men who will guide us on what to do and how to do it at every point in time. The Church has been saddled with the responsibility of producing such men. The mission of the enemy is to find ways to hinder the Church from achieving that purpose.
With the assemblage of the warriors and the men of Issachar, David was able to take over the throne. The Church today is still struggling to understand the Yahweh of Israel like the Jews did in spite of the advantage the Holy Spirit gives us. A 6-year old Israelite boy is usually already aware of all that God promised the nation such that as they grow, they keep looking forward to the manifestation of those promises. When the manifestation comes, they can understand what is happening. With this, the children of Israel respond appropriately to every season. They understand that with every new season comes a new technology. God does not use the same technology over and over again and we must embrace every of His technology in each season.
God is the same but His technology is not the same as times and seasons change. We only get to understand His strategies when we yield ourselves to Him. The Church is supposed to know that she is made as an improvement upon the nation of Israel.
The cloud of the Gospel and the power that backs it has been seen to move from region to region over time. The era of Europe and America is gone. We also saw the Gospel revival in parts of Asia. The cloud of God is currently in Africa but understanding the season and applying the scripture are major problems hindering our manifestation.
The key that unlocks every nation is in the hand of the Church. Thus, we must respond to different seasons appropriately. The Church in Africa has produced very large crowds without a loud voice. God wants to raise men of Issachar. We pray amiss because we do not understand the times and seasons. The Church in Africa must rise to the occasion.
We like to think God is the problem when we are the real problem. The Church in Africa must raise men that have understanding of the times and know what we ought to do at every point in time. The Church has done great things all over the world, she can do it in Africa too.
Our understanding of the Gospel must be total. Jesus asked the Church to occupy till He comes. This occupation is not done within the four walls of the Church, it is done outside. The danger of not occupying includes the church fighting the venom of unrighteousness. We are no longer in the era of arguments because the enemy that threatens us is beyond those arguments and it will be foolish of us to think that he cannot wipe us out. God can use Africa to bring light to the nations but every generation of the African Church must align with Him.
One of the things Satan uses to fight the Church is the danger of mixture. This technology works in a way that you cannot even know who and who is with us or against us. What he achieves with this technique is to slow down the journey of the Church. The Church in Africa, and especially in Nigeria, is entering a dangerous season; a season where happiness will be prioritized over the truth.
The earlier the Church realizes this the easier it is for her to respond appropriately. God has answers to the problem every group of people in different eras face. This era is facing errors, confusion and mixtures but God will not come down from heaven to sort it, it is you and I that He will use to provide answers to the problems. God is counting on us this season. It is your time, it is your season to bring normalcy to things and bring more people to the kingdom.

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