The Glory of the Kingdom By Pastor Bola Bello


Minister: Pastor Bola Bello

God is always intentional about our being saved in order to come into His glory. Unfortunately, we don’t know the kind of glory we are to manifest. The first man, Adam, didn’t ride exotic cars yet he manifested the glory of God. God’s intentionality about man coming into glory made Him send Jesus as the last Adam.
John 17:19-23
Jesus separated Himself from the God-head and came into the earth for the sake of man so that He can separate us from the world and unite us with the God-head. By doing this, man can be brought back into the glory he once lost.
Isaiah 53:2
Every human on earth seeks glory; this is because glory is inbuilt in man. This glory can be considered as honour for which man is configured.
The Messiah didn’t look like what the Jews expected yet He walked perfectly in the purpose that was designed for Him; that is glory. Jesus had so much power yet He could restrain Himself from doing whatever was not the will of God for Him. That is an expression of glory.
Exodus 15:1,7-8
When we talk about glory, we must be intentional about our deeds. Glory is a product of good and great deeds.
Psalm 87:3; 36:8
Glory has been bestowed upon the Church in the form of wealth, influence and power but we often find it hard to come into this reality. The Church should invest in good deeds and hardwork to enjoy this dimension of glory in the earth. God is delighted in both the earthly and spiritual riches of the Church.
John 17:1,5,21
God in Christ was a great attraction for people. At the time Christ resurrected, He had attained the glory He had with God from the beginning. God in Christ implies that the same work God does, Christ can do. Likewise, with the Holy Spirit in us, we can do beyond that which Christ did while on the earth.
John 1:14; 10:37; 14:7; Hebrews 1:3
The invisible God incarnated Himself in Christ such that once we see Jesus, we have seen the Father. Jesus embodied the Father being His express image.
Jesus did not just represent God; He was, fundamentally, God in action. Jesus is the express image not carbon copy of God. Jesus is both the incarnate of God and the glorified God.
Ephesians 3:20
The power that works in us is the power of the Holy Spirit which is the embodiment of God in Christ. As a result of the power at work in us, we are not subservient to sin, poverty and other inglorious experiences.
Glory cannot come without sacrifice; glory cannot come without sanctification. You either go the way of the cross or bow to the devil.

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